First try with a Fleabay cheapo x10 Macro front lens.

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Bought a set of 4 off the bay and finally had a chance to try them after work today on the MF3 Pana G80.
I took the advice of @woof woof and sixed them for the bigger lens with a step up ring for the 12-60mm, and as the 12-60mm is on the G80 I used the ring and went with that, and chose the strongest X10 mag for a trial in the garden.
First thought - A thick convex lens like this is best for small rounded objects as the area of focus seems to be small, makes sense but all new to me.
Second thought - It's pretty good, the evening light was fading but pleased for my first attempt, only used a Sigma 150 before tonight.

Quite pleased with this one. I have not cropped it. I must have had the focus on the lower part of the flower, The hairs look good until the back of the bud, but I like it.
X10M 3.jpg

This is the kind of shape I'm guessing the X10 will be best for, or head-on shots maybe. I don't think I kept it steady enough, so not the sharpest and there was little light to work with.
Needed some work, but ok-ish for a first try at a spider.

X10M 1.jpg

This one pleased me, the original aim point was around the torso, and the tail is OOF but it gave me something for the following picture.
X10M 91.jpg

Tickled pink with this, it's not an award winner but I love it all the same.
I used a garden stick for an anchor/stability BTW
X10M 92.jpg

Just as a reference, this is one of the best I managed a few years back with a smartphone. It's been edited.
Although the leg is pretty sharp, I don't think it compares to a camera and lenses.
20210803_152422 (2).jpg
These look good to me Keith especially as a first attempt. I suppose these close up filters are never going to be as good as a macro lens but they do let you focus closely when out and about with an ordinary lens. As you're finding out depth of field can be tiny when doing close up shooting.

As I like flower pictures No.1 is my pick, very nice, and the dof fall off certainly helps here IMO. Lovely detail on the creepy crawly :D

I hope you enjoy your new toys :D You certainly seem off to a productive start and better light is only going to help :D
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These look good to me Keith especially as a first attempt. I suppose these close up filters are never going to be as good as a macro lens but they do let you focus closely when out and about with an ordinary lens. As you're finding out depth of field can be tiny when doing close up shooting.

As I like flower pictures No.1 is my pick, very nice, and the dof fall off certainly helps here IMO. Lovely detail on the creepy crawly :D

I hope you enjoy your new toys :D You certainly seem off to a productive start and better light is only going to help :D
Thanks Alan, lot's of experimenting to come, and plenty of field trips.
Look good to me, as Alan says better light will make a big difference, and keep posting ;)
Off to a good start Keith (y)
looking really good - your work and also, to be honest, much better res than I expected with just single element close up lenses.

If you find a power/dioptre that works best for you then it might be worth hunting down an achromat with a filter size at or just above ( use step up rings ) the filter thread you need. Not nec too expensive if you hunt and wait for one to appear on ebay.

here’s a list from fuzzcraft:

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looking really good - your work and also, to be honest, much better res than I expected with just single element close up lenses.

If you find a power/dioptre that works best for you then it might be worth hunting down an achromat with a filter size at or just above ( use step up rings ) the filter thread you need. Not nec too expensive if you hunt and wait for one to appear on ebay.

here’s a list from fuzzcraft:

Yes I was pleased with the early results considering how cheap they are.
Thanks for the list, I've found one on there that I fancy and there's one going cheap on Fleabay.