First Wedding shoot

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Hi all

Just graduated as a Natural history photographer which is a subject I hope to get work with in the future.

But I had the opportunity to shoot my cousins wedding last weekend with the idea of maybe getting some more weddings in the bag to pay for more equipment, business start up etc.

I was a little nervous but think I did ok. I have posted a few images from the day on my site and I would like some feedback from other wedding photographers or general photographers.

Dont hold back lol


you'll get more responses if you link some photos here as its not possible to provide crit on as many as you have on your site (in general terms some are good, some are okay, and some are not so good - the first one isn't all that as its too dark, although I can see what you were trying to do it hasn't really worked that well)
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Hi Aiden,

Well, at least you have a back up plan - not bad at all for your first crack at it! It is very difficult at a real life wedding to get the types of shots you see in magazines and on promotional material and many wedding togs produce a lot of stuff that is worse than this...

I think there are a couple of cases of over exposure on one or two shots, and I'd like to see a narrower DOF, especially in the church shots. Your composition is good, as it should be for a photography graduate!! I also don't like the inconsistency with the colour of the dress - sometimes it looks white and sometimes off-white. I know this is probably to do with the colour of the ambient light but as a set of images it bothers me that it is not the same (personal preference not doubt!!)
Hi Aiden
i dont know what kit or practical experience you have being a new photography graduate but the first colour shot of bride in church and the group shot are soft focus
dont know if this is lens fault or camera operator error what kit did you use ??
you need to check at 100% for focus
i hope the 1st tog managed to nail these shots or where you the 1st tog ?? most people go as 2nd tog to a
few weddings to get the hang of it and obtain a minimum standard before taking the big plunge
just keep pressing the shutter - the only way to learn is from mistakes and we have all made them !!!!!!
hope im not coming over harsh but this is my opinion as a club photographer
at the club your pics would score 14 out of 20 this equates to average snapper
im sure someone with more experience will be along shortly to tell you something
completely different.