Flowers and Bees

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This is my second attempt at capturing bees in the flowers, i tried using the built in flash, but i think the settings are wrong as they were being blown out, i think i worked out the issue, and that is to use a higher F stop, but then that would make the photo more in focus wouldn't it? I would then lose the DoF i have on these ones. Definitely more practice needed, but i think it is an improvement.

All feedback very much appreciated, thanks for looking.



I like them Mark but as you asked for crit I'd have the flower further away from the left hand side in No.2. and I suppose if possible it may be better to get more towards a front view of the bee than the rear, maybe. I do like them all though as they have good shapes and colours and are IMO lovely pictures. Well done :D
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I like them Mark but as you asked for crit I'd have the flower further away from the left hand side in No.2. and I suppose if possible it may be better to get more towards a front view of the bee than the rear, maybe. I do like them all though as they have good shapes and colours and are IMO lovely pictures. Well done :D
Thank you very much Alan, composition is definitely my weakest point at the moment, I tried to crop these to do the 2/3 logic, but I definitely need to work on it more :LOL:
Thank you very much Alan, composition is definitely my weakest point at the moment, I tried to crop these to do the 2/3 logic, but I definitely need to work on it more :LOL:

I don't want to sound to negative as I do like the pictures, good colour and shape and nice use of bokeh. Overall I think they are good pictures and the comments about shooting the bee more from the front and the composition are just opinions others including you may disagree with :D