Fly On Weed

Nice shot. I really regret selling my Raynox. I stupidly thought I didn’t need it when I got my sigma 105, didn’t even give it a thought that I could have put it on that.
A female - and it's a hoverfly - Syrphidae sp.,but I may be out on the that, hard to tell from the underside.


Thank you kindly Paul, I sure do appreciate your reply.

Nice shot. I really regret selling my Raynox. I stupidly thought I didn’t need it when I got my sigma 105, didn’t even give it a thought that I could have put it on that.

Thank you kindly Leroy, I sure do appreciate your reply.

"This is the first time I've tried a Ranox with my cell phone and it seems to work quite well, I'll next try my more powerful Raynox (I forget the model number) and see what that churns out"
