Fomapan 200

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I bought this on a whim (and the fact it was £21 for 50 sheets lol) (5x4)

I'd processed the first few in 1:3 Microphen for 12 mins (per the massive dev chart) but wasnt happy with the results, can't really say why but just felt something about them just wasn't nice.

I use a lot of ilford film and process in Ilfotec HC at 1:31 normally but have been moving onto 1:47 as the combiplan tank uses a litre of fluid at a time.

with 1:3 microphen i swas using loads too so tried today some fomapan 200 in 1:47 Ilfotec HC for 7 mins (guesswork really) and really pleasesd with the results, the negs are comparible with the FP4 ones i processed of the same scenes earlier today.

will try and do some scans during the week so i can add pics, just thought this might have been of use to someone :)
Examples as promised -

f8, 1/250 sec Ilford FP4 dev'd in Ilford Ilfotec HC 1:47 for 12 minutes...


f8, 1/500 sec Fomapan 200 dev'd in Ilford Ilfotec HC 1:47 for 7 minutes...


both scanned on an Epson V750 Pro and the same action to resize, USM etc applied to both

I much prefer the Fomapan one but that's just personal preference, any opinions?