Fonts for all


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We all like fonts, don't we?

Here's some handy sites that may be of interest:

No, here.

Oh, and also here.

Any finally, here.

Note: Some carry usage restrictions so check before using.

do remember that too many fonts slow photoshop down no end. i installed a few thousand once and regretted it big time. was about 4000 and photoshop ground to a halt every time i needed text which was often as i was making a website.

but thanks for the link :)
I'm not suggesting you install all of 'em. On your own head be it, if you do. ;)

I have a folder on my D: drive with about 1200 fonts in. I just pick out a few I want to use and install them 'as and when'. But an archive of fonts is a handy thing to have.
good links GFK thanks, i love fonts!!