Fotolia Stock Images

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Just had my first images accepted by Fotolia... probably not a huge deal, but some peoples' images do get rejected... :woot:

Submitted 11 in total, the rest are still in the queue, apparently
There we go - 9 out of 11. The other 2 I had taken off-line cos they weren't up to it... :woot:
Thats a great rate for a first upload set. Well done. :thumb:

May I ask what subject/types of images you submitted?
Cheers Steve!

Essentially, it was some of the low light stuff I've posted on here (guitar, shaver, cards), plus a few variations on a similar theme - gambling chips, cards, tumbler of whiskey, etc

I'm gonna have to get my thinking head on now and develop a bit of a theme about some of the images, I reckon... It's the first time I've done anything like this, so I'm kind of playing it by ear a little...
well done Chris, good to see a bit on enterprise!
Good on ya !!!! Would people agree this is the best place to start listing stock photo's ?