Fuji Provia

If you want to shoot dark scenes and use push processing, this is the slide film to get!

I'd buy if I had the cash, but I've already blown this month's film budget :(
That's what overdrafts are for Mike;) Well spotted David I'll have me some of that action at those prices.
Never tried slides, at this price ill have a go.

WAy to go David, wonder how quick these guys post things out, Would be nice to get them tomorrow, could run one through the Salut.
Just bought a flatbed scanner, now need something to scan.

It's usually been 3-4 working days from placing order to it landing on my doormat for in-stock items - it's got to get onto the mainland from Guernsey then go through the normal postal system.
80 :O

I just ordered one pack as an experiment - never used slide before :D

also got a pair of extra backs winging there way here :D
ive ordered some of this as we are approaching the dark nights of winter:), how far can you push 400X?, hope it stores well, ordered 80 rolls

I think 800 comfortably, 1600 at the outside. motionid uses it, so now I do too ;)
Looks like i'm going to have to buy more kit, so I can DIY it.
I've used Ektachrome 400, but out of date so couldn't tell you how good (or bad) it was