Fujichrome Process Paid

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Do Fuji still offer process paid ? I had heard this service had ended.

I tend to use Fuji print films but am finding D&P services are a bit hit and miss, or perhaps I am just using the wrong labs !!

So fancy trying my hand with some slide film, any advice most welcome.

Thanks Adrian....
Hello mate,
As far as I know, Fuji do do some process paid stuff - I have sent some films up to Warwick, but I can't remember where I got it from. It may have been Boots while I was on holiday! Try a big branch.
I know you can get some good prices for process paid Kodak stuff on 7DayShop, like £6-something for kodachrome64 and stuff.
If you find some Velvia100 process paid let me know!
And for interest, the labs Fuji use now for E6 process paid is in Leeds, it is CC Imaging.