Fujifilm PA-45 Back

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i know a few others are looking for these, i'm trying to get the best prices etc as fuji will be stocking in the UK again from mid sept.

Replies as i get them -

Silverprint will be stocking the back and it will cost £259.97 inc VAT. We are happy for you to pre-order this item but you will need to do this over the phone (please ask for Emma or John).

Robert White will be stocking also. The price will be £245 + VAT (£281.75) plus postage

B&H New York - would be $261.75 including shipping but would need import duty and VAT added ($209.95 for the item alone)
Get somebody in Los Americanas to buy it and ship it for you, $200 of import duty is...well....my arse, is what it is...
yeah i've got a friend who's husband is working in atlanta at the moment so i reckon getting it via them would work better :)
If they ship it as a plain parcel, described as, I dunno something innocuous, they might not check too closely especially without a commercial address label.
No guarantees though, its worth a shot to save £100...:shrug:
If they ship it as a plain parcel, described as, I dunno something innocuous, they might not check too closely especially without a commercial address label.
No guarantees though, its worth a shot to save £100...:shrug:

exactly. i'm pretty sure they can wrap it in birthday paper and stick gift on it for me too :) lol
The problem with shipping expensive items as non expensive items to avoid the duty is that they wont be guaranteed for the correct amount should they go missing in transit.