Fujifilm restarting production of C200 and C400 film

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I hope it's the original Fuji stocks and not the re-branded Kodak emulsions.

I guess it's also possible that they've bought out @excalibur2 's massive stock of Poundland Agfa and put it in new packaging. :D
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I hope it's the original Fuji stocks and not the re-branded Kodak emulsions.

I guess it's also possible that they've bought out @excalibur2 's massive stock of Poundland Agfa and put it in new packaging. :D
If they do, the film will be around 5-7 years out of date by now so I hardly think so. I used some last in 2016 and it had about 2-3 years left before expiry
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From Wikipedia - "Like its rival Eastman Kodak which dominated in the US, Fuji Photo enjoyed a longtime near-monopoly on camera film in Japan. Fuji increased market share in the US by becoming one of the title sponsors of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, offering cheaper camera film, and establishing a film factory in the US.

In 1994 vice president Juntarō Suzuki announced that the company would halt paying sōkaiya, a type of protection racket bribe, to Yakuza. In retaliation he was murdered in front of his home by Yakuza.[13] In May 1995, Kodak filed a petition with the US Commerce Department under section 301 of the Commerce Act arguing that its poor performance in the Japanese market was a direct result of unfair practices adopted by Fuji. The complaint was lodged by the US with the World Trade Organization. On January 30, 1998, the WTO announced a "sweeping rejection of Kodak's complaints" about the film market in Japan."

For anyone who grew up with a Kodak box camera, then entered the new era of popular colour film, there came a time when Fuji appeared as a new kid on the block. Things go round, and what goes in can come out somewhere else - maybe different, or maybe the same.

Ilford Colorslide, anyone? Or Anscochrome? But they were reversal films, of course ...

Agfa? Perutz? A whole past age, full of eccentric adventures.
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If they do, the film will be around 5-7 years out of date by now so I hardly think so. I used some last in 2016 and it had about 2-3 years left before expiry

Sorry, that was a joke. Brian (@excalibur2 ) bought loads of Agfa Vista Plus from Poundland, but probably not enough to support a commercial venture. :)
Sorry, that was a joke. Brian (@excalibur2 ) bought loads of Agfa Vista Plus from Poundland, but probably not enough to support a commercial venture. :)
:DDrained my area of Vista even on my hands and knees looking underneath the shelves for ones that had fallen down, I had so many about 40-50 rolls..... offered members at cost seven for £7 plus £2.80 postage and amazingly only one person was interested and all in date. :rolleyes: It's a good film if you know it's strength and weakness.
My favourite film for general use was Fuji Superia 200 iso 4th color and processed by Asda with Fuji chemicals......:fuji:
I'm hearing that C200 is just rebadged Kodak Gold, anyone hearing different?
Well if it is it should be better than Colorplus which was the cheapest film Kodak made and for joe public paupers o_O:)
Who knows. I've heard so many reports of what it is and who is making it I don't know what to think anymore. I used some 400 recently, and that seemed like typical Fuji, to me.
Thee are plenty of places selling Fujj Superior 200 & 400 here in France. I bought some along with a few rolls of Kodak Pro Image 100. I really like the Kodak results. A roll of Superior is currently at the lab being developed. These are Kodak Pro Image lab scanned

Close Up Proxar.jpg

Dandelion Contarex 35mm f8 1-250_resize_53.jpg
Actually we have to be thankful that the film is available again. There was a time a couple of years ago that C41 film was virtually unobtanium. I was lucky because I bought about 20 cassettes from a shop that was closing down which lasted me quite well, so why gripe about who makes what so long as it is colour C41 and it works.

Not many will print them now, but scan and use something like PS to tweak it. I still print, but for how much longer because I have been considering giving it up because the price of RA4 chemicals and paper has just gone rediculously idiotic.
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When the pound shop was selling Vista at a pound a roll I was also buying as much as I could afford and shot loads of it. One thing I observed was that some rolls were better than the others and I had a theory that when Agfa put in their order with Fuji, they got what was currently running through production: Sometimes C200 and sometimes Superior 200. I shot a roll dated 2016 recently at box speed and it came out correctly exposed with natural colours but with a bit more grain than would be normal. I am now down to my last two rolls :(
When the pound shop was selling Vista at a pound a roll I was also buying as much as I could afford and shot loads of it. One thing I observed was that some rolls were better than the others and I had a theory that when Agfa put in their order with Fuji, they got what was currently running through production: Sometimes C200 and sometimes Superior 200. I shot a roll dated 2016 recently at box speed and it came out correctly exposed with natural colours but with a bit more grain than would be normal. I am now down to my last two rolls :(
Another theory which I doubt. If it was another film then the name and edge markings would show. Another way to tell was the film cassettes under the lip where the fil protrudes before loading is a number (up to 8 digits long and this is the code for the type of film. I used Agfa quite a bit and this number corresponded with Fuji 200 never anything else.

The difference was probably down to storage - I saw some for sale in Poundland in full glare of the sun where it would be subject to quite severe summer heat.
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In France E6 that hasn't gone past its expiry date is very hard to come by and expensive. There are C41 options from Kodak, Fuji, Agfa and lots of companies that I had never heard of. Mono film is readily available and can be cheap too. Ilford, Fuji, Agfa and those unknown names again.

Processing however is a different story. I havd only found three labs, two are over 300 miles away and one an hour's drive. The postal time is two days going and five returning plus two days for processing. However, two labs including the one nearest home now send an email with the scans on them rather than post a CD.

Last time I drove to the nearest lab, picked up some Pro Image films then had lunch with my wife at a nearby town and made the day out of it.