Geckos (Part two)

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Following the advice given to me by another member I had another go at macro work using the Tamron 90mm.

Different gecko species this time (Gargoyle gecko). These are the best two I took - the water droplet on his eye is a little distracting and the composition on the second is a bit tight. Will try again tomorrow.



Thanks for looking and C & C welcome. (y)
and the composition on the second is a bit tight. Will try again tomorrow.

Thanks for looking and C & C welcome. (y)

Actually I quite like #2 it works well (y)
Just a couple of points 1/6 is a little slow you seem to have a little
bit of motions blur in there ( apart from the tongue that is)

A bit more on the sharpen side and shadows / highliights will help it stand out a little better also
If you don't like my edit yell and its nuked (y)


Thank you for the comments and the help Chris - it's appreciated. (y) I'm still getting to grips with editing my images - I think I'm being over cautious. I think I need to be a bit bolder because the work you have done it is great - my objective was to highlight the eye. Thanks again.
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Thank you for the comments and the help Chris - it's appreciated. (y) I'm still getting to grips with editing my images - I think I'm being over cautious. I think I need to be a be bolder because the work you have done it is great - my objective was to highlight the eye. Thanks again.

No worries (y) it took me ages to get "some sort of idea" as to what I was supposed to be doing
I still get it wrong sometimes :)
But yes I suggest that you are a little "bolder" with your processing, you'll get there I am sure

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Thank you Paul - your advice certainly helped.
How does one go about finding local gecko/lizard keepers for "models"? (This is a serious Q btw). Love the second one, great edit, and got a way to go in editing myself :)
How does one go about finding local gecko/lizard keepers for "models"? (This is a serious Q btw). Love the second one, great edit, and got a way to go in editing myself :)

Thanks again Trisha. You could contact your local reptile group or put a request on a reptile forum. Most reptile keepers are friendly folk and love to show off their animals anyway. (y)
These are better Jackie, I would agree with all that Chris said.

Trisha, you could also try asking in your local pet shop, they may help you out or let you place an advert in their window/store