Getting film out of the cylinder

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How do you guys get 35mm film out of the cylinder? I dont have a specialised film opener, so i have to use a bottle opener. However, as the film cylinder is /slightely/ too narrow, i have to essentially bash a dent near the top edge to give the opener enough purchase top be able to open it.

Im sure this is not the best technique!

Any tips?........please! :thinking:
You can/could buy special film removers that you pushed into the slot of the canister but tbh I always used a bottle opener myself (carlsberg, probably the best film canister opener in the world!).
I never open the film canister. I make sure the film isn't wound all the way in then trim it and start it into the reel before I put it in the dark bag.

Once it is all wound on, I just tear the film against the edge of the canister.

A bottle opener always worked well for me. There's a slight risk of scratching the film if you pull it out, and there's any dust in the light trap.

Lots of us used to reload the standard film canisters, but you could buy special reloadable canisters in the film days. I don't know if they're still available.
Hi. It's a long time since I did my own developing, and film canisters have perhaps altered since then but I just used to smack the protruding end of the film spool on a hard surface and the end of the can just popped off".
do you guys have no problem with a standard bottle opener then?

I have tried both types, and can only get the circular ones that are on lever-corkscrews to work, but as i said in the original post, I have to bash a dent for the opener to "bite" onto otherwise it just slips off.

Clearly i am doing something wrong :thinking::wacky:

I might just wait for my film retriever to arrive - i dont think i will be able to open the canister with a bottle opener inside a darkbag at the moment :(
Hi. It's a long time since I did my own developing, and film canisters have perhaps altered since then but I just used to smack the protruding end of the film spool on a hard surface and the end of the can just popped off".

That's exactly what I used to do many years ago. IIRC, it worked better on Ilford films than on Kodak ones but IMNRC so it could be the other way round. In more recent times, when I've needed to retrieve the leader I've used a gizmo that came from 7day - THIS seems to be their current version.
I use the bottle opener on a Swiss Army Knife. Just have to push kinda hard to ensure it keeps grip on the edge of the film can lid. With a bit of practice, it becomes very easy to do in the dark bag.

You could go to a local Jessops or something and ask for a handful of used film cans for practising on?