getting film shots onto the computer

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Forgive my obscene ignorance but i assume most folk use a negative scanner? Recommendations or even point me in the right direction and i can go read

EDIT: isnt the search function great! ok so um the v500 looks decent (and not v cheap sadly) any other contenders for similar cash or ideally something competent for less mullah
Forgive my obscene ignorance but i assume most folk use a negative scanner? Recommendations or even point me in the right direction and i can go read

I'm going to get shot down as a complete heretic here, but I use a flatbed scanner with a film attachment rather than a dedicated film scanner. Granted it's a bit limited for 35mm stuff, but it's quite adequate for medium and large format. Plus a flatbed is so much cheaper than a MF film scanner! Mine's an Epson photo, but Canon and others do good models too.

If you're just going to be doing 35mm negs/slides, one of the Nikon film scanners is usually considered the best bet, although again there are/were good ones made by the likes of Minolta.
itd just be for 35mm negs

cheers joxby although im slightly puzzled why that thread didnt appear when i searched scanner in this forum?!
I've seen slide enlarger lenses for sale at varying prices. Presumably you could try one of those on the dslr.

ie but note the crop factor warning. I presume similar things exist for MF / FF ?