Getting into film as a beginner.....

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Hi there,

I have a Nikon D70s for digital usage, but I have recently found a Nikkormat ELW Film Camera in an old camera bag I inherited from a Great Uncle. Its got a Nikon 50mm F1.8 lens on the front. Also in the bag is a 180mm F2.8 Nikon.

Now I'm a student and naturally a Cheap Skate. I also cant viably do my own processing.

Basically I want to know where to get film-what to get for general usage,if the kit that I have access to is any good(albeit abit out dated) where to get it developed and how much I'm looking to get a roll developed and at the same time walk off with a CD of the pics to play with on photoshop etc.


In the long run doing your own developing and scanning will work out cheaper, but in the short term it's probably best to try out a few rolls of film and get them developed and scanned to CD locally... If you end up liking it definitely look into rolling your own ;)

For recommendations for a local developer, let us know where you are (y)
and for film give ilford hp5plus ( iso 400 )and ilfprd fp4plus ( iso 125 ) a go .

and if you want to develope them yourself pg tips works ( a bit )
To test it out and for cheapness of processing go for Fuji Neopan CN which is a B&W film that is processed through normal colour C-41 developing process (so highstreet/supermarket processors are fine). You might end up with colour casts on the prints, maybe a slight pink tinge, because the chemicals, processes, inks and papers are designed for colour, not true B&W. do lots of film at low cost, and fast trouble free service. Keep your order value under £18 for freedom from the import taxes !