Gin in a Spin

wooo ... I want to do that!

but I use Paint.NET .. not photoshop

do you have a name for the PS effect? and I will see if I can find it, or the equivalent, in PDN.

Thanks for looking guys

do you have a name for the PS effect? and I will see if I can find it, or the equivalent, in PDN.

its a photoshop action i put together myself which I dont know if it would work with your software

S'pretty cool. Would make an excellend advertisement image :)
Cool shot.............Like this, make a good wall art poster multiplied x 4 in different colours..........just don't drink and stare at it to much!! :LOL:


... on the rocks
Thanks Viv, Andy and David

David I like that effect too - is it an action / plug in etc

It's a Paint.NET distortion effect called "Tile Reflection"

Here's another example of what it creates with a little tweak.:)


Thanks David - I will download Paint Net and give it a go

Good luck with it.

Let me know if you want to talk about PDN. I've been using it for about two years now, but still have a lot to learn.

Perhaps we could start another thread on another part of the site.

Hi David

I downloaded it and had a bit of a play and managed to do something similar to you.......

iced gin by Neptuno.Photography, on Flickr

the program did seem quite slow though but although it will be useful i dont think it will replace photoshop

HaHa nice one!

I've never used photoshop so I don't know how they compare.

I think PDN is used by those who don't want to pay for PS.
I think PDN is used by those who don't want to pay for PS.

full photoshop is very expensive (I am using an older version) but Elements is much more affordable around £80 but still much more than free :)

I've never used photoshop so I don't know how they compare.

Paint net looks like a good basic editor but it does not support RAW files and although it has layers, it does not use masks - two aspects that i cant live without

Yes ... I'm sure

Oh well I guess even the most expensive progs are sometime best used in conjunction with others.