Wild Ginger Bumble


fracster's right hand
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Had the MPE-65 stuck on the 7D:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:. Should have had it on the 5D MK II so as to have full frame for better flexibility on composition for this size of insect but didn't have that body with me:rolleyes:

Hey ho!!!!


Nevermind composition as they fill the frame nicely IMHO, #1/2 are stunners and great captures yes #1 foot is slightly chopped.

#3 seems a little soft or missed focus for this type of shot I would expect both eyes to be in focus but the rhs one is off (Bees left) shame as if it matched the previous 2 it would have been great. noticed shutter speed was fairly slow 1/60s so probable cause.
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Totally agree about the last one. I was concentrating on trying to get the tongue being inserted into the flower.