Tutorial Giving feedback on other people's photos


The other Chris
Edit My Images
sirch submitted a new resource:

Giving feedback on other people's photos - Feedback (critique)

This is a brief guide to giving feedback on other people's photos, there is a more descriptive guide >>> here <<<

  • Feedback should be positive, polite and encouraging
  • Feedback should be relevant to the poster's level of experience - check their post count and previous posts
  • Feedback should be about the photo as presented
  • As someone giving feedback recognise your own...

Read more about this resource...
Nicely done Chris. It will be good to see some improvement in this area, so hopefully this will be a big help. (y)
We have a section called Photos for Pleasure which can be used if you genuinely just want to share a photo without getting any critique or advice. If critique is offered and you are not happy with it, you are more than welcome to report the post and staff will remove it.

Ah, report it - I just get annoyed.
I must be overthinking it. I don't understand point 3. I'm reading it as "don't suggest improvements but stick to what's there". Which I'm taking as "positive comments only, don't find faults".
I must be overthinking it. I don't understand point 3. I'm reading it as "don't suggest improvements but stick to what's there". Which I'm taking as "positive comments only, don't find faults".

Some times we see comments like "I wouldn't have bothered" or "you should have gone to ... instead" which are not comments on the photo presented. Perhaps that point could be better worded.
Well I have given some feedback and I posted pictures yesterday.
I have done my bit for the community for this year :exit:
I am glad to have been on the receiving end of your feedback in that case!

@sirch I can honestly say as a new member that all feedback I received so far has been very positive and beneficial. There is no denying it stings a little to receive criticism of something you are quite proud of but that is exactly why I post here, to become better. Reading all the great feedback left for others is immensely helpful, no need to make the same mistakes.

On a general note I frequent a number of forums for computers, gaming, audiophiles and remote control cars. In those I come across some negativity regarding the perceived low quality or low price of gear or just general hostility but not here. This is by far the friendliest and most welcoming community I have had the pleasure of following, thank you all!
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On a serious note I do give feedback when I can and where I feel its particularly beneficial.
Knowledge increases and when you spread it around. (y)
Some times we see comments like "I wouldn't have bothered" or "you should have gone to ... instead" which are not comments on the photo presented. Perhaps that point could be better worded.

Thanks for the explanation. THAT sort of comment never crossed my mind :( probably because I had "feedback" in my mind.
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Never mind the quality, feel the width eh?
(Anyone remember that 60's comedy)(\blatant attempt to sidetrack and distract attention from my paltry post-count)
attempt to sidetrack and distract attention from my paltry post-count
As Chris has discovered you as admin can add as many post counts as you like ..
I'll get there naturally though :)

And yes I do remember the series, funny at the time, but maybe not quite PC these days..
Way before my time. Guessing we need to add Sanatogen to the staffroom drinks cabinet?


Much more fun to convince them that Jaeger bombs do the same job...
Only a thought, but would this be better if it was made as a sticky or pinned then all new comers would see it instead of it being knocked down :thinking:
It is "featured" in the Tutorials section and there is a now pop-up notice when you create a new Thread in the "Photos : ..." forums which links to this.

And before we get into a load of "why not ..." feature creep, it is what it is and what the forum software allows.
It is "featured" in the Tutorials section and there is a now pop-up notice when you create a new Thread in the "Photos : ..." forums which links to this.

And before we get into a load of "why not ..." feature creep, it is what it is and what the forum software allows.

Good enough, was just wondering (y)
I'm happy to see this. I firmly believe that feedback/critique is one of the best tools we have for improving our photography, as long as it's delivered correctly. It's nice to get the 'nice image' comments and that boosts the author's morale but I personally would prefer to deliver and receive something more in depth. I offer critique tentatively ( and much less than I used to) here these days and I have become guilty myself recently of the 'nice image' quote because of that.

It can sting a bit when an image might not be received as well as you'd hoped, you have a personal connection to it that a viewer won't have. It's hard to detach yourself from that personal connection. That sting though helps you remember it and even if only subconsciously, you will try to avoid or more improve that aspect of your image making next time you take an image.

Bear in mind, it's all subjective too but that doesn't stop it being helpful.

I think if somebody is posting outside of the Photos For Pleasure forum, then feedback should be expected. I also think that if use is made of the 'critique' banner in the thread title, then the author is asking for something even more in depth.

Go for it I say. (y)
How can you give a genuine feedback if you were not there when the photo was taken? You have absolutely no idea of the conditions- lighting- colour- situation- time to set up or just snap.

My motto is " if the photographer likes the picture that is all that matters. If others like it then it is an added bonus"
How can you give a genuine feedback if you were not there when the photo was taken? You have absolutely no idea of the conditions- lighting- colour- situation- time to set up or just snap.

My motto is " if the photographer likes the picture that is all that matters. If others like it then it is an added bonus"
Well you've pretty much negated the core purpose of the forum!