Giving my new 100 mm L series a work out ..


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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The first impressions are favourable (y)

Oh look more Harlequins in the making

by Cobra, on Flickr

It looks as though she has found prime real estate to raise her kids on

by Cobra, on Flickr

And her

by Cobra, on Flickr
Really nice
The 100L is my favourite lens for macro
The hoverfly is a female Syrphus ribesii. Most of the time you cannot separate the three common species of Syrphus from photos, But in this case, it is clearly a female, 'cause the abdomen comes to that conival ovipositor point, and you can see the hind leg, especially in the lower shot - the 3rd femur is all yellow (it would be about 2/3 dark in the other two common ones).
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The Canon 100L is my favourite lens, and i bought a set of cheap extension tubes (£45).I have just started macro photography, passing the time with this lockdown.
Really nice
The 100L is my favourite lens for macro
Thanks Pete. As I'm "all Canon" it'd rude not to use that one as well (y)
The hoverfly is a female Syrphus ribesii. Most of the time you cannot separate the three common species of Syrphus from photos, But in this case, it is clearly a female, 'cause the abdomen comes to that conival ovipositor point, and you can see the hind leg, especially in the lower shot - the 3rd femur is all yellow (it would be about 2/3 dark in the other two common ones).
Thanks for the ID Stuart. TBH they all ( mostly) look alike to me (y)

The Canon 100L is my favourite lens, and i bought a set of cheap extension tubes (£45).I have just started macro photography, passing the time with this lockdown.
these include 31mm of (AF) extension tubes curiously the M50 won't register anything greater ( I have a set of three)