good luck steve.



as we all know steve sets off for a new life in europe tommorow,as a good freind of steves i would like to wish him a safe journey and all the best, good luck mate.
Are the Germans going to be uo to Steves high standards though????

Good luck Steve!
Good luck and a safe journey :)
All the very best Steve, and I sincerely hope you get that photographic career going over there. Your ability isn't in question, you just need to want it enough mate, so don't take any prisoners.;)
im sure once he masters the language he will be fine!
Good look with it all Steve, I know you'll make it a goer..........Just don't mention the war :nono: .....................................................:D

Matty, I don't think there is a race on the planet that would meet his exacting standards, last I heard the Japanese were working on raising their game just in case he leaves Germany and heads east.

In seriousness, I'm sure everything will be a walk in the park for you m8, if there's anything I can help with, just ask m8.
digitalfailure said:
Matty, I don't think there is a race on the planet that would meet his exacting standards, last I heard the Japanese were working on raising their game just in case he leaves Germany and heads east.

Actually i had heard they were getting ready to commit mass Seppuku because they new they couldnt ;):coat: :coat:
I thought I was to be your official photographer of your journey? I wanted to come and take some photos of your vessel, and luggage and what not.
I do hope your 20D is taking a front seat journey with you, so you can document your journey to the fatherland.

Bon Voyage (OK wrong language, but you get the jist).

I'll have a mulled wine at the Christmas Market in Manchester this year to toast your moving and what not.
Hey Steve. Didn't even realise you were disappearing to pastures new, been too busy getting myself set up in Canada. Good luck in your new adventures. Remember the internet will still work there, so keep in touch. :)
Good luck, and best wishes mate.:thumb:

If you ever need anything give us a shout.

Don't eat all of the bratties (bratwurst).:LOL:
All the best, safe journey.
Cheers guys for all the really nice thoughts, it's really nice of you all.

I arrived in Germany late last night after driving through England, France, Belgium and the Netherlands on my two day journey. Luckily the van I bought for the trip behaved itself and got me here without any issues.

After having very little sleep in the last week I have now caught the mother of all colds and feel totally exhausted but I will take a few days to recover and then begin my new life properly.

Ohh and a bonus is that the sun is shining here on my first morning in Germany...that could be a good omen for what is to come :)
Steve said:
that could be a good omen for what is to come :)

Yep, winter :D

Glad you got there safely and without major hiccough.
Was the trip a fun one? I'm sure the focus of most attention is on your impending life in Germany, I wanna hear about your drive there :p daughter and son both have the sniffly colds at the moment, so it's reminded me to start taking vitamin C. Stocked up on my daily 1000mg doses yesterday, and it's so far
very hot in summer, very cold in winter is Germany. Oh, and very tutonic in its weather. If they say it'll be sunny then it will be sunny!!!

Have fun!