Good photo shop in West Yorkshire?

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Hi all,

Can anyone recommend me a good photo shop in West Yorkshire in the UK? I'm looking to buy a 350D and a lens to go with it. I'm struggling to find a shop that has a good selection of lenses for me to try out. Can anyone recommend a good shop with a large selection? The equivalent of a Jessops superstore would be ok I guess (although I don't think there are such things ;))

I can't recomend any perticular shop but have found this list, you may be able to find a localish shop that stocks what you are interested in or if not a couple of different ones may hold stock between them.

Remember that Jessops will nearly always price match other retailers as well.

Sorry I can't be more helpfull helps if I include the link :eek:ops:
Yeah cheers, I came across that one. The difficulty with Jessops is just that my 2 local shops (both in Huddersfield) have very limited stock, so its difficult to try out different combinations of stuff.

Don't suppose anyone's been to the Jessops on Monks Cross in York? That looks like it could be a biggish one.

feenster said:
Don't suppose anyone's been to the Jessops on Monks Cross in York? That looks like it could be a biggish one.


if you check out Jessops website you can get phone numbers for any of the branches and then give them a ring to see what stock they hold. If they don't have all the stuff you want to try, ask for the manager and make a request that they get it in for you to try and compare. It may take them a week or so but at least you will be able to try them all before you buy. On the other hand it may be worth takinga trip to one of the larger Jessops on a weekend and spending some time chosing. the extra cost of travelling will soon be forgotten if you are pleased with your purchase, you could even do some photograpgy in the town or city where you buy from. Its a win - win situation if you look at it that way.

don't forget to get the best prices online first and make a print out before you go, that saving could be more than the cost of your trip and day out. ;)
Well, i guess I couldn't wait ;) Ordered a 350D body from WarehouseExpress at 2pm today for £539 + delivery. I was an hour outside their next day delivery time frame, but the nice chap on the phone managed to catch the van before it set off, so it should be here tomorrow.

I'm also heading to a Jessops on friday to try and probably purchase a used Sigma 18 - 125mm lens to go with it.

Me = Happy.

You should have it all for the weekend then and just in time to try it all out. I look forward to seeing some of your pictures and don't forget that if you have everything for Friday, it will leave you two days to get a photo for this months round of the Photography Forums Photo competition. :LOL:
Ooh good call. I should have a few hours to wander round York testing the new gear out too, so that theme could fit nicely.

Jessops in Halifax is better than both the Jessops in Huddersfield. There aren't too many great places around here for camera equipment.

Manchester's Jessops is a little better I find, but the Jessops in Halifax is where I get most of my kit from! They know my Dad and I by name now, and are fairly liberal with the discounts that they do for us :)

Cheers - I might try there next time i'm in need. I've found with the 2 Jessops in Huddersfield, that there doesn't seem to be anyone particularly knowledgeable about DSLR's - they are very geared up towards the P&S market.

Good to see theres another local - I live just outside Huddersfield in Mirfield :)
