Got commissioned for a calendar


TPer Emeritus
Ebenezer McScrooge III
Edit My Images
guess what, it's horses again. :) Not much cash in it (unfortunately this isn't the rich end of the sport) but it will go across Scotland with full credits, circulation will be maybe 300. I've got to pick 14 of the shots I've taken at various events over the last few months for inclusion.

One day this might pay :woot:
Well Done :)
well done!
Bachs said:
There's Neigh stopping you now :p
LOL was expecting something like that :)

Cheers guys, it's not fame and fortune but it's nice to be asked to do it :)
Congrats and on viewing some of your work its no wonder.

Maybe they'll pay you with a free "ride" or 2 :)
Bachs said:
There's Neigh stopping you now :p

What you nagging on about... :LOL:

Back on topic.

Well done dod, Your pictures have always impressed me mate, Good luck with the calender... :thumb:

BTW. If you are selling these calenders you can send me one and I will wire some Paypal your way.. :)
thanks :) Don't think they're going to be sold as such, they just get distributed to the various members. I'll see if I can get a copy though, just finished sending the pics off :)