Grassington Dickensian Christmas Festival (Part 1)


TPer Emeritus
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I went to Grassington's Dickensian Christmas Festival last Saturday (it is also on for the next two Saturdays - and it's worth a visit). I have been a few times before, once with a fairly rubbish old camera and then once with my 350D but just with kit lens. This time I was armed with my Nifty Fifty :D Shot in Tv mode for probably the first time ever, decided to stick it onto 60/sec and let it work out its own aperture. These first lot are from just as the sun was starting to go down:

There was a 'dickensian' carriage at the entrance:

One of the shop windows:

A couple of characters outside a shop, very much in character letching over the passing ladies etc:

The pair in action:

This gent was loving it as wanted a photo taken with them:

C&C more than welcome :)

Thanks for looking.
Some damn nice ranges of tones in there Mr Lemon.
I'd be quite pleased if I'd have taken those!
Cheers :) Think I might have to head up there again next Saturday if the weather is a bit better.

Forgot to include this one:
Yep I agree some great tones there adding to the flavour of the whole thing
Great set (y)
excellent pictures!

I wonder why you needed to take #1 at such a funny angle?
I took that first one at the angle because I like shots at an angle (dont know why) and because it seemed to make it a bit more interesting. Looking back at the straight shots they arent as bad as I thought they were:

Have had fun processing these shots as I was able to go a bit ott with the tonemapping without it looking wrong (or looking wrong to me anyway).

None tonemapped version of the above shot:

I love 'HDR' :D
tone-mapped is soooo much better
(but then i think non-wonky is better too!)
Love them!! where is Grassington?
Thanks :) Grassington is on the Edge of the Yorkshire Dales, just above Skipton. It's a fairly small village put gets packed out each year with this festival.
Great set of shots MR JL. The processing works well on them too.
Very nice, must get me one of those nifty fifties!! Great processing (y)
Again thanks for all the kind comments :)

Very nice, must get me one of those nifty fifties!! Great processing (y)

This is the first time I have used it in anger even though I have owned it for ages, shooting at f1.8 is actually more fun that I thought it would be :)

Oh and just incase anyone was confused the first shot is the Sigma 10-20 not the Nifty :p
TBH Jimmy these are the best shots by far you have ever posted on these forums.(y)

Wonderful set of images with toning second to none..;)

I might even join you next Saturday subject to the weather, Some real characters among those..:)
TBH Limmy these are the best shots by far you have ever posted on these forums.(y)

Wonderful set of images with toning second to none..;)

I might even join you next Saturday subject to the weather, Some real characters among those..:)

Wow thanks :) well apart from calling me Limmy :p
Great set, admire the depth of tone and colour....Ian
(y) brilliant set of shots, excellent very well done. :clap:
mine dont look anything like yours so Im not posting them :LOL: Im going back a week saturday to have another go ;) :D
If this isnt a dumb question what processing had you used ??
once again great shots
Cheers Gibbo :) replied about the processing on the other thread ;)

I was on the look out for other photographers, were you the one in the beany type hat? if that was you I saw you arranging some kids by one of the fire that I wish I had got a shot of.
Cheers Gibbo :) replied about the processing on the other thread ;)

I was on the look out for other photographers, were you the one in the beany type hat? if that was you I saw you arranging some kids by one of the fire that I wish I had got a shot of.

ok got the reply thanx (y)
Nope that was not me. I was up the top end of town (past the burger van) watching Spoon & co doing the acting / singing. I was dressed in a black cag. Nikon in hand (y) what about you ??
Ace pics! Was Crew manager Jonny Metcalf around from Grassington 1.4?