2 cracking images, you've nailed the first, tack sharp BIF, and even a catchlight, well done. The strong lighting doesn't bother me, it's a cracker.
I love the light on the second image, it's more subdued than the first. Personally, I would crop to just below the darker area at the top, or maybe just leave a hint of it. The bird is razor sharp and you've controlled the whites well. A really nice image and probably my favourite of the 2.
I often wonder exactly how many names these beauties have, lapwing, peewit, green plover etc etc, lovely birds though. I remember them every year in the fields near to where I lived. I also remember having a rant at a farmer chaining his field, with no regard for the nests. I wasn't into photography in them days and they were plentiful, there don't seem to be so many nowadays.