Green-veined white and a couple of Orange tips

Last one has the best composition and light although its not easy on 2 butterflies mating
As a 1st attempt that aint too shabby.
Now all you need is a diffused flash.
Last one has the best composition and light although its not easy on 2 butterflies mating
As a 1st attempt that aint too shabby.
Now all you need is a diffused flash.

Thanks Graham, I've only had the lens a week this being the first time it's ventured outdoors, my local park re-opened to the public yesterday so it had to be done.
A flash is definitely going to be my next purchase the shutter speeds on these are way too slow, I'm very happy with the shots shown here but I'll admit I've binned a lot that looked soft.

These are spectacular! I particularly enjoyed the last one! What equipment and settings were you using, such nice colors and clarity! I just love it!

Thank you Rose, I'm using a Nikon D850 and Nikon 105mm f2.8 macro all shot hand held using natural light, the full exif is available on Flickr but I've now added the basics to the first post (y)
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Hi Darren, ISO 450 F20 ss 1/125 hmmm
Maybe you should have left ISO at 100 and taken your ss up to 250 or maybe a little more and deff bring that f20 down to something like f11.
Yes a flash is the all essential tool for macro/closeup.
I live in the South-east of France and you can imagine the sunlight we have here and I always use a flash, iso 100 with f11 - f14 but my flash is TTL but max ss is still 250.