Group buy of film...

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Anyone here interested in doing a bulk buy of film? I dunno, maybe something popular like some slide Velvia/Provia and for B&W some HP5+ or Pan F+? Also looking for someone to split a bulk purchase of E6 developer.

I don't have a source for bulk purchasing yet, but I'm on the lookout... prices are simply ridiculous if you buy the 5 packs of film - usually around £20 - £30. If like me you plan on going through 3-5 films a week, plus the developer required, this can end up being extremely expensive - around £100 per month. :wacky:

I'll be able to do a big buy round about the week after next, but for now it would be good to find a company that sells bulk cheaply. I'm talking about buying around 200 films 100 slide and 100 b&w and splitting it 4/5 ways. I'm not too concerned about format, 35mm or 120 film will be equally good for me. Express interest and whichever way the majority falls will be the way we go.

Admins - if this isn't the correct place, please move to the right forum.

EDIT: Group buy is off for now as we've found suppliers to not offer any discounts that are worth the while...
Dependent on film choice and price I could be interested. Ideally I would like some fuji 160s, provia 100 and a nice b&w film. Who were you thinking of aproaching?
Not sure yet, but there are some options...

I could learn how to use a film loader and roll a couple 100 foot reels of film for everyone :naughty:

Silverprint do 100ft of most Ilford films in 35mm, but their 35mm pre-rolled is pretty cheap if you buy more than 10, ie:

10 rolls of Delta 100 35mm = £32.82 which is £3.28 per roll

30m (100ft) of Delta 100 35mm (20 rolls) = £40.62 which is £2.03 per roll
OK, here's a scenario I've just dreamed up:

I could buy 4 x 100ft rolls of B&W film, say 2 rolls of Delta Pro 100 and 2 rolls of Pan F Plus. I'll get a film loader and load 80 rolls of film which I could split with 3 other people (so 4 of us will end up with 20 rolls each - 10 Delta and 10 Pan). Only thing is, I'd have to also buy a pack of 100 reloadable cassettes which will chuck an extra cost of £50 into this equation. The cost of P&P would also have to be considered - I could make this a straight £5 per person.

On a second and subsequent runs of the same 4 x 100ft rolls (or similar), we could exclude the cost of the cassettes as the buyers in this group could just send me their used cassettes for reloading.

Buy my calculations, the first run with the cost of cassettes included would be £57.18 per person (£2.86 per roll x 20 rolls).

The second run with the cost of cassettes excluded would be £44.52 per person (£2.23 per roll x 20 rolls).

OK, if you had to buy the same amount and types pre-rolled from Silverprint with their 30% discount, it's £3.02 per roll before P&P... it may be worth just buying from Silverprint and avoid the agony of organising this to save 79p per roll, but in the long run it may be cheaper...

I'm keen to give it a solid go (y)
Interesting (up till now I had no idea you could buy big reels of film and put them into cassetes

Compared to 7 day shop prices this wll be a lot of work and leave you out of pocket on the first batch and not saving more than a few quid on each subsequent run


Wow - hadn't seen those 7 day prices - fantastic. Yeah, *******s to my crazy idea :LOL:

It may be worth it when it comes to slide, though I haven't seen much cheap slide in 100ft rolls going around...
ifotou, thanks for the link to AGP - they have some really low prices - some lower than 7day and they also have film that 7day does not stock. Unfortunately, however, they don't stock any reversal film. They'd be good if you were buying a large (£100+) amount of B&W... I may give them a buzz and see how low we can go if we did have to give them a big B&W order.

I'd be keen on doing an order for myself eg:

10 x Pan F Plus50 120 rolls @ £1.90 = £19.00
5 x HP5+ 400 120 rolls @ £1.90 = £9.50
5 x HP5+ 400 35mm roll @ £2.77 = £13.85
5 x ADOX CHS 50 35mm roll @ £2.69 = £13.45

But if we could knock them down in price....

I'll find out next week and see if I can gather some more interest from this forum - say 3 or 4 more people (y)
i dropped Matt at AGP a wee note (i'm dealing with him over something else anyway) and asked about it so will see what happens, i also pointed him in the direction of this thread.

They've not long been in business (although affiliated to Peak imaging i believe) so the reversal films will come in time and i'm sure they can sort them out.

i'll have a look through later and add my own list of wants to this list too :)
no worries :)

my current wants list (including items not on their site yet) -

5 x Pan F Plus50 120 rolls @ £1.90 = £9.50
1 x Delta 100 5x4 @ £21.95 = £21.95
1 x ADOX CHS50 art 5x4 @ £25.30 = £25.30
5 x Fuji Astia 120 rolls (not available yet)
5 x Provia 100 120 rolls (not available yet)
1 x Fomapan 100 5x4 (not available yet)
had a reply today from Matt at AGP

He's working on the fuji stuff and will have the prices and stock on the site asap...

Bulk prices - the ilford stuff is rock bottom already... bt i've suggested that if we come up with a list of what we'd all buy it allows him to look at what he may be able to reduce and see if we can come up with a deal that will help us all :)
ifotou - thanks for getting in touch with Matt. This sounds promising and will be really interested in the Fuji prices - this is where the most saving should come from as slide is usually 2x the price of b&w
yeah from what i understand it's been quite a bit of negotiating with fuji but he seems confident of getting stuff on the site soon.
its crazy the cost of film, over the year you could afford a digital back for the money spent on film,lol..

but why would i want rubbish quality unsharp images that "look" like film when i can shoot them on film instead and get supersharp, ultra detailed images ;) lol
its crazy the cost of film, over the year you could afford a digital back for the money spent on film,lol..


Sadly the Hasselblad CFV-39 is £13000, the CFVII is £6000, refurbished Phase One backs are a similar price. The most "value for money" back I have found is a used Phase One H20 for £1750 + VAT :eek:

Thats a lot of film for a 16MP used back

I think I'll stick to film for a while, but using my hasselblad with a digi back is an intriguing if monetarily scary idea :thinking:
8k would keep me in film for about 5 years. and that would be shooting 30 frames of 5x4 a month. Which is a lot by my standards.

I'd rather keep the film and spend a bit on a drum scanner.
Hello Mike,

I've noticed you are in north London area which is same as me.

when my Uni re-starts next month, I'll be up for buying some B/W film which I can then develop in the darkroom there.

I've got 12 hours of scanning in front of me know argh :mad: lol

Just to bump this thread... things are a little 'all over the place' so just to bring it back to reality... :)

I think if each of those interested in buying a large-ish quantity of film would simply state their interest in this thread, along with how much film they want/what film they want, then it will make things easier for either ifotou or me to negotiate a price with the shops.

SO FAR, interest has been shown by:

NAME: ekimeno
BUDGET: around £100
FILM: Pan F (120), HP5 (35mm), ADOX CHS 50(120), Velvia 50(120) and Provia 400X(120 and 35mm) when available

NAME: ifotou
BUDGET: around £100
FILM: Pan F(120), Delta 100(5x4), ADOX CHS 50(5x4), Astia 100 (120), Provia 100 (120), Fomapan 100 (5x4) when available

NAME: raathistle
FILM: fuji 160s, provia 100 and a nice b&w (35mm, 120 or 5x4?)

NAME: sidxms
FILM: B&W (35mm, 120 or 5x4?)

It may be worth it just to go for, say two kinds of film: 1 B&W and 1 slide in one format - say 120 (as it seems the most popular). This way the price should come down more and we'll be buying larger quantites of only two products as oppossed to say buying 10 rolls of 6 different films...

Should we say large 120 film quantities of Provia 100 and Pan F+ 50?
just to add to the confusion, we want to do this ASAP as Ilford prices increase from 31st August (see -

Pan f 120 rolls will be up 25%
FP4, HP5 and Delta 100 5x4 sheets up 20% etc etc

so we want to be doing this sooner rather than later even if it's just a fairly big order of ilford stuff?
I'm game for sooner rather than later. We could make this an Ilford only order - say 100 x 120 rolls of Pan F?

Sorry ifotou, I don't do 5x4, but perhaps you could split a large quantity of 5x4 with others.
re the 5x4 thats cool :)

100 x 120 rolls is fine by me splitting some of that

if we can get the Pan f cheaper than 7days shop (works out around £1.85 when you buy 10 or more) then my mate would be in for 10 rolls too and i'll happily take a bundle.
Sweet - I can take 50 rolls of that, though 25 (split 4 ways) or 33 (3 ways) would leave me with more cash to buy some slide (y)
cool i'd probably use 15-20 no problems so 50 you, 20 me, 10 my mate scott only needs someone else to take 20 rolls and we can see who will do us a deal?
ok so at the moment -

Ekimeno - 50 rolls
raathistle - 20 rolls
ifotou (and mate) - 30 rolls

i'll drop a couple of places a note and see what we can come up with :)
yeah from what i understand it's been quite a bit of negotiating with fuji but he seems confident of getting stuff on the site soon.

Just an extra comment on this, from what Matt has told me their looking at trying to bring in the fuji stuff through a japanese wholesaler rather than UK (there appears to be some hassles getting in the UK) which will mean that they would be able to stock items not normally available in the Uk also :)
does that mean a better range of instant films, and maybe some astia 5x4, and maybe some PA-45 backs for when the official ones have all run out?

That would be nice
Well, looks like that's us decided then :)

Still, if anyone else wants to split 50 with me, I can do that, otherwise I'll just take the 50.

I'll give Silverprint an email if you haven't already, ifotou...
I'm bumping this thread for today to see if there are any more takers and editing my first post to update what's happening (y)
Update 1 - 7dayshop won't budge on price so 100 rolls = £185 including delivery to one location so £1.85 a roll and we'd be better ordering individually otherwise we're adding costs to have them delivered to each other etc.
AGP can do it at £1.85 a roll same as 7dayshop - which is BELOW cost price from 1st september need to order asap if doign that (although we can get it from 7dayshop at the same price) i reckon savings will only come when doing like 100 rolls of colour slide etc