Heath Fritillary

Lovely detailed images (y)
It's capturing images like these which make the travel, time and cost worthwhile.
Excellent colour, clarity, composition and focus.
The head on is simply superb.
I'd be thrilled to have any of those in my portfolio.
He’s gorgeous, lovely image (y)
Lovely detailed images (y)

Thanks Cobra!

It's capturing images like these which make the travel, time and cost worthwhile.
Excellent colour, clarity, composition and focus.
The head on is simply superb.
I'd be thrilled to have any of those in my portfolio.

Cheers Paul! I always try to get these head-on shots if the opportunity presents itself - a little different from the usual pose!
These were all taken with the Canon R5, which is proving to be a superb camera for macro in terms of detail and colour rendition. Using a longer macro lens (180mm) also helps with the background separation.

He’s gorgeous, lovely image (y)

Cheers Jak! It's a beautiful little butterfly, especially the underwings.