Helicon focus software choices

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3 options,I will be using it as hobby so would the Lite cover the main stacking .i have checked over the comparison and can’t see anything in the
more advanced packages but would welcome advice from anyone who has experience with the software.
I would buy the 1 year licence initially .
I’ve had a quick go with photoshop which is ok but all reviews point to Helicon as the better product.
3 options,I will be using it as hobby so would the Lite cover the main stacking .i have checked over the comparison and can’t see anything in the
more advanced packages but would welcome advice from anyone who has experience with the software.
I would buy the 1 year licence initially .
I’ve had a quick go with photoshop which is ok but all reviews point to Helicon as the better product.
I just got the one year £25 option. I don't stack stuff that often, and wanted to try it out. Pretty good imo.
Gives you three variants of stack, so you can choose which one suits best.
I did use Helicon Focus a few times for stacking, yers ago. Now I would use Affinity Photo, low cost, perpetual licence, very powerful PS-substitute that also does excellent panorama stitching. I believe there's a 6 month trial available at the moment.
Shame they have no trial even a 1 day one

I've been very disappointed with Photoshop stacking. It will usually do a good job auto aligning everything and then make a random mess in auto blend, just see they crazy masks they make even of very simple 2 shot things!

You just hope this helicon is a little better and one of the premium features is you can tweak the masking, which you can also do (and have to) in Photoshop

This is really an area where a bit of ai based recognition would really help achieving better matches, and some more ai solving / sharpening poor transition areas if you messed up. I don't think such a thing currently exists