Hello darkness my old friend....

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... I've come to photo you again.... :ROFLMAO:

4 from late at night in the garden just before midnight.

A froghopper (or is it a leafhopper, lol)...


A silver sided sector spider (Zygiella x-notata)


A short legged harvestman - I first thought Rilaena triangularis, but I now think it may be Paroligolophus agrestis - a common opillione.


Finally the rapid running snout mite (Bdellidae) which I see quite frequently on the compost bin. Not sure what the interloper is just OoF, maybe a second snouty, but could be a springtail, or any other tiny insect! They feed on other arthropods like springtails, small insects and other mites, including their eggs. They harpoon their prey with a jet of saliva and attach it to the substrate with silk threads like shrouds.


And just to show how it doesn't always go to plan - here is the snout mite having speared something - and the focus is off because it's so small I didn't know I was missing it slightly to the naked eye!


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Great title great set Paul :)
Nice pics as usual Paul, but you've given your age away now - you're one of us old farts aren't you? :ROFLMAO:
Nice pics as usual Paul, but you've given your age away now - you're one of us old farts aren't you? :ROFLMAO:

Sadly I remember both Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel singing that song, but a better version is the one by The Disturbed...

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It's very rare I like a cover of a song, but I must admit I do like that version too. I absolutely hated it when I first heard it, but it grew on me - a girlfriend I had liked it.

I hate pop music too - I switched Radio One off in '77 ('cos of Punk music) and have never put it back on . . . :rolleyes:
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They're all great captures and interesting well taken pictures Paul. Well done :D
You listened to it?
Listen to it? I couldn't bloody avoid it! It seems (at the time) it was on Virgin or R2 at every opportunity.
I'm sure Paul Simon must have given permission, but watching an interview around that time with him,
he was asked what he thought of it, and you could see him squirming in his seat, and a very non committal
reply followed.