Help and advice needed

Edit My Images
I'm new to this so be gentle:)
I write First aid textbooks and illustrate them with photos that I take myself, but would never claim to be a photographer.
The images need to be clear rather than artistic and final printing will not exceed an image size of 8cm wide.
Most photographs will be taken from a tripod.
I have been using a Fuji S7000 with so so results (noise and purple fringing, particularly on crops) so I have looked at moving up to a DSLR in the hope of improving quality.
With this in mind I have just acquired a fairly mint Fuji S2 Pro body. Is this likely to meet my requirements?
I also need advice on suitable lenses, I am really lost here.
The budget is very tight at the moment and I need a general purpose lens to start me off. I was thinking the Nikon 18-55 or 18-70 but any other suggestions would be welcome.
I'll get to lighting later:)
Thanks in anticipation
Go for a second hand Nikon 50mm f1.8 pick em up for less then £50
Would agree with Disco. So long as you have the room the room to move in and out then a cheap 50mm f1.8 is a great starting point.
I think the 18-70 would be my choice, a 50mm prime would be quite limiting by the sound of the type of work you intend to use it for