Help with chemicals purchase

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Hi Guys, I am about to order the chemicals i need to develop my first ever rolls of film.

I want to develop both B&W film and C41 (to cross process E-6, nothing like running before you can walk eh?!). Im not exactly sure what i need for all this.

So far in my Silverprint shopping basket i have:

For B&W:

ILFOSOL 3 500ml developer,
ILFOSTOP 500ml. Stock Soln

For C41:

COLORTEC C41 Negative Kit 1 litre Solutions (i assume thats the developer!?)

Can i use the same stop and fixer as i would use for B&W film?
Also, i see i need bleach for the C41 process - what kind should i use?

Sorry for the Noob questions, but i want to make sure i order the right stuff and get it all in one go so i don't have to pay postage twice!

As far as I know, the colortec kit includes the dev and the blix (combined bleach/fix stage). If you phone Silverprint they'll confirm though, they know what they're talking about.

Oh, pick up some wetting agent! I think it's useful stuff, and even if it is a bit pricey for some sort of stearate, it'll last you forever.
I wouldnt bother with the stop bath for the mono stuff, a water rinse should be more than good enough.

the tetenal c41 colouretc kit has all the chemicals you will need! Nothing more to buy there
saweet, im almost ready to buy chemicals too :D

Pretty much the same as kaben but also a patterson tank
As far as I know, the colortec kit includes the dev and the blix (combined bleach/fix stage). If you phone Silverprint they'll confirm though, they know what they're talking about.

Oh, pick up some wetting agent! I think it's useful stuff, and even if it is a bit pricey for some sort of stearate, it'll last you forever.

I had heard that Blix's cause quite bad grain though and you should do a seperate bleach then fix?

If that is true, then is it just normal bleach you would use (obviously not household toilet bleach!) and can i use the ilford rapid fix for the C41 or do i need a different type of fixer??
I had heard that Blix's cause quite bad grain though and you should do a seperate bleach then fix?

If that is true, then is it just normal bleach you would use (obviously not household toilet bleach!) and can i use the ilford rapid fix for the C41 or do i need a different type of fixer??

To be honest, I'm not sure. The thing to do would be to search over at, or even make a thread there.
I have used the Tetenal C41 kit for a while and it works great. Results are fine and the chemicals last forever. My 1litre kit is almost a year old now and still developing strong, just need to adjust the dev and blix times to suit.

Also, might sound daft but do make sure you have a developing tank and some measuring cylinders. You'll also need a thermometer. Also be prepared to mess around with a kettle and hot water bath for your C41 processing.

Sounds like you're on the right path for B&W developing.

Good luck! :)
I have used the Tetenal C41 kit for a while and it works great. Results are fine and the chemicals last forever. My 1litre kit is almost a year old now and still developing strong, just need to adjust the dev and blix times to suit.

Also, might sound daft but do make sure you have a developing tank and some measuring cylinders. You'll also need a thermometer. Also be prepared to mess around with a kettle and hot water bath for your C41 processing.

Sounds like you're on the right path for B&W developing.

Good luck! :)

Thanks for the reccomendation on the tetenal kit :) Always good to hear from peoples past experience.

I have a paterson universal tank on order and i already have a thermometer. I dont have measuring cylinders - i was planning on using the jugs you can get from the supermarket that have measuring scales on them - would they be ok?.
Silly thing is i used to have shed loads of cyclinders etc from when i did my biology degree. Sold them/threw them away about a year ago.

I even had a thermostat warmimg plate :bang:
I'd recommend at least a cylinder with markings for measuring small quanitites i.e. to 10ml accuracy. A measuring jug from the supermarket likely won't provide you the accuracy you need, particularly as the bottom is curved so it'll be difficult to judge intermediate quantities (between those marked). I'd imagine the developing tank will at most use 500ml of any chemical at any time, so you'll need to be able to relatively accurately dilute developer in particular (as well as stop and fix) for use.
Oh, stop and fix are reusable once diluted, so some clean bottles for storing them would be good too. You don't necessarily need those fancy concertina bottles (though they are highly recommended), I keep my Tetenal stuff in old drinks bottles!

For temp control (C41) I use a washing up tub and mix it with boiled water and cold water. If it cools down, I just chuck in a bit more hot water (check temp regularly). Much easier than many would have you believe.
Ok, you make a good argument for the cylinders - i will add them to my ever growing shopping list!
COLORTEC© C-41 Negative 2 Bath Kit - 1 Litre £14.49
Paterson Super System 4 universal Developing Tank + reel £21.99
Paterson Changing Bag £19.99
PATERSON 150ml MEASURE cylinder £2.50

Total: 105.58 inc delivery

Does that seem a reasonable price for a basic setup? Is there anything else i need or can cut out?
You don't really need the ilfostop.

If the immediate cost is a problem, you don't need the wetting agent either, you can use washing up liquid... But the wetting agent will last you forever and ever.

You don't really need the collapsible storage bottles, you can use milk bottles. At £3 each though it might be worth it.

I'd go for a 600ml + 50ml cylinder instead of 250ml + 150ml. 250ml isn't enough to measure out the amount of water you'd need, and 150ml may be too much to accurately measure out the amount of dev you need.

If you're going to be developing 35mm and you think you might be doing more than one roll at once, get the second reel. It's worth it in terms of time, I find.
I agree, 600ml + 150ml cylinders would be a better choice. Stop and wetting agent are not strictly necessary but good to have. You'd only need 2 storage bottles (1 for stop and 1 for fix) since developer is one shot - you dilute it and then throw it away, you can keep the concentrate in the bottle it comes in. If you decide not to bother with stop bath, then you'll only need one storage bottle.

Or you might want 3 bottles anyway and use two for the colour chems, I have no idea how robust the Colortec ones are. Hopefully they are as indestructable as the Tetenal chems :p
Or you might want 3 bottles anyway and use two for the colour chems, I have no idea how robust the Colortec ones are. Hopefully they are as indestructable as the Tetenal chems :p

I think they are Tetenal Colortec -its the product name....i hope!
So do you premix all the c-41 chems up and store them in bottles or do you mix small amounts and use it as you need it?
Premix it all. You get these little bottles that mix up (+ water) as per the instructions included to make 3 different chemicals, 1 litre of each.