Hopper Portraits

Nice close-ups, Ryan.
I particularly like the way #1 is smiling at you.

Nice close-ups, Ryan.
I particularly like the way #1 is smiling at you.

Thanks Chris, it certainly seemed to be posing for me on top of that flower.
got any exif?
Should be some basic exif already embedded in the images (shows up with my exif reader anyway) but the setting for the images are as follows:

1. Canon EOS 5D Mark III/ Sigma 150mm f2.8 @F8 1/500 ISO3200, 9 layer focus stack processed in Affinity and finished in PS

2. Canon EOS 5D Mark III/ Sigma 150mm f2.8 @F5 1/400 ISO800, 20 layer focus stack processed in Affinity and finished in PS

Natural light from a grey day only.