
Very nice Nick (y)
Great close up detail especially in #3
I love the pattern on the eyes, didn't like being bitten by one many years ago.
Lovely detail, nicely done
Wondeful series of shots Nick, colours look spot on to my eye.(y)
Great shots. However I am allergic to them.
I was bitten by one aged 11 on scout camp, and spent the rest of the camp in hospital. My leg swole up to over twice it's normal size.

Unfortunately they can land and bite with out you feeling a thing. By the time you feel the bite it is too late.
Great shots. However I am allergic to them.
I was bitten by one aged 11 on scout camp, and spent the rest of the camp in hospital. My leg swole up to over twice it's normal size.

Unfortunately they can land and bite with out you feeling a thing. By the time you feel the bite it is too late.

I'm in the same boat, they love to have a chew on me - but if I'm bitten I invariably swell up like a balloon. I had last Sunday off work after being bitten on my knuckle, rendering my right hand immobile!
Males and females can readily be told apart in this family as males always have holoptic eyes – that is their eyeballs join at the top of their heads, whilst the females always have an eye bridge or gap..

Glad she didn't bite you as you took these cracking images nick!

Superb photos, well done.
I hate the critters too, having been around horses quite a bit. Used to be miserable for the horses and us at one time at one livery we were in.
Nice work Nick
I swatted quite a away today, they are the only thing I swat away.