Hover Fly

In amongst a large number of red ones so I presumed poppy?
In amongst a large number of red ones so I presumed poppy?
I'd say so, one place I work at has a scrub area out the back, with poppies, growing wild. The purple ones out number the reds by at least 10/1
Eupeodes latifasciatus or Epistrophe grossulariae?

No, I think it is a female Syrphus ribesii. If it was Eupeodes, tergites 3-5 would only have black hairs at the margin, and pale hairs are clearly visible if you zoom in. In Epistrophe, the yellow bars widen where they meat the edges of the abdomen, so the corners 'turn down'. In this one they clearly 'turn up' - so Syrphus. In the 2nd photo, you can see that the 3rf femur is mostly yellow, so S. ribesii.