Hoverfly and others April 2023

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Hoverfly, Church house gardens Bromley, TQ 40186 68939
EF7A3341_Hoverfly by davholla2002, on Flickr

Nomada bee, TQ 40104 68783

IMG_9314-CR3_DxO_DeepPRIME_Nomada by davholla2002, on Flickr

Hoverfly TQ 40104 68783

IMG_9334_Hoverfly by davholla2002, on Flickr

Dark-edged bee-fly (Bombylius major)
Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

IMG_9341_Bee_fly by davholla2002, on Flickr

I think common wasp Queen, Vespula Vulgaris,
TQ 42847 70813

EF7A3335_Common_Wasp by davholla2002, on Flickr
"Excellent" set of macro/close up style captures David.
Beefly - I thought they were some type of Bee or Wasp until I saw what they're called and Googled for more. Thanks for the info.
Great pictures, well taken. Well done David. They're a credit to you :D Especially No.2. Well taken for managing that, assuming that's your finger :D
Lovely set
Beefly - I thought they were some type of Bee or Wasp until I saw what they're called and Googled for more. Thanks for the info.
Thank you - next March-May you probably notice them now.
"Excellent" set of macro/close up style captures David.
Thank you
Great pictures, well taken. Well done David. They're a credit to you :D Especially No.2. Well taken for managing that, assuming that's your finger :D
It was my finger - they probably don't sting
Lovely set
Thank you