Hoverfly Syritta pipens

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Syritta pipiens garden 20200427.jpg

Hoverfly Syritta pipiens on newly opened Beech leaves in my garden. Canon EOS R with MPE-65 macro at 2:1, F16, 100 ISO, with MT24EX twin flash at 1/4 power using bowl diffuser described here.

This is a common hoverfly in gardens from now right through to the Autumn when it can be one of the most abundant visitors to Ivy flowers. No idea what that inflated hind femur is for. They don't jump and both sexes have it. It also features in several related species of the tribe Xylotini.
Nicely done, I love just watching males fight it out in flight over territory. Shame that white bit in the background is a little distrating but hey ho you just have to go with whats there sometimes don't you?
Yup, if you don't notice it at the time you are stck with it. My local club, Peterborough Photographic Society, follows the PAGB/RPS/FIAP Nature rules, so you cannot add or take away anything from images you enter into that category in our competitions or exhibitions! You can dodge and burn though, so I could tone it down a bit if I wanted to use it.
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Yup, if you don't notice it at the time you are stck with it. My local club, Peterborough Photographic Society, follows the PAGB/RPS/FIAP Nature rules, so you cannot add or take away anything from images you enter into that category in our competitions or exhibitions! You can dodge and burn though, so I could tone it down a bit if I wanted to use it.
Not a fan of competitive photography clubs so l have no problem with rules that they set for their associates. I have tried a couple of clubs and decided they weren't for me. Each to their own.