Hovering Hover

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Hi all,
I had a very short day at work so I shot off out for a few hours.
This Hoverfly is one I got on a yellow wild poppy like plant, I had cut the head off the plant and placed it onto a large rock, a few mins later this hoverfly stopped by to have a lick :p
I was taking a few shpts of it and a few times it flew away but luckily it came back, I had my Tokina 100mm lens at full zoom, its then that I took the shot, the only one at that but I was lucky.
So here it is in all its glory, I have used Sharpener Pro 3 output sharpener and also a crop and other tweaks in LR4
Thanks for looking.

Hovering by Graham, on Flickr

This and other photos are available to view on my flickr page.
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That's a cracking shot Graham. On the times I've attemped to catch them hovering they always dart away just as I'm about to lock focus. :(
Thanks Nigel, Thats always been the way with me also, luckily this time my hand was supported by a very large rock that enabled me to take this shot without hand movement.
Fine shot Graham.