How often do you shoot?

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Obviously as I've only just got my camera, I take it almost everywhere with me and try and use it at least once a day.

How often do you shoot (I appreciate those who are pro's probably only use it as-and-when the situation arises). Just curious that's all :)
When I was working regular I used to shoot maybe 2-3 times a week, and a lot more casually. The past 5 years, since I busted my back in an accident, I've been shooting pretty much daily. I don't upload or process daily or anything, [in fact 90% of my shooting never makes it online] but I do have the camera in hand at some point every day. Even if it's just taking snap shots of the kids, or the cat! or birds in the garden. I just like playing with my camera. I try to take something meaningful [to me] at least once a week .
only a hobbyist here, I take my everywhere during weekends and situations where there might be any slight photo op (eg, restaurant dinner with mates), but not night outs for obvious reasons.

reset the numbering on it just over 2 months ago, have shot 5000 according to file numbering. I think just over a third of which makes into my personal photo library, and 5-10% of which gets posted on flickr. not all shots are in name of photography (many are snaps for memory), so don't get shared publicly.

it's like car mileage, I can see myself doing 20k a year easily. perhaps that's a good number to use for comparison?
Serious shooting? Not as often as I should, given the investment in kit! Using a mobile or P&S, fairly often - a few times a week at least. At a guess, I would say that less than 1% of my shots end up online - I shoot for myself and tend to only use Flickr as a host rather than a community. Can't get at it at the moment anyway - forgotten my password!
Serious shooting? Not as often as I should, given the investment in kit! Using a mobile or P&S, fairly often - a few times a week at least. At a guess, I would say that less than 1% of my shots end up online - I shoot for myself and tend to only use Flickr as a host rather than a community. Can't get at it at the moment anyway - forgotten my password!

Same here, well bar the phone shooting [have an ip5, think I've taken 5 shots so far with it] - but the rest, yup. Sounds like me. I shoot for myself, always have, always will. I only ever started to shoot for others because I was being pestered to do so. Thought I'd make a few quid while I'm at it, pays for gear and the odd bill [some of the requested shooting is fun,like gigs]. If I didn't actually enjoy just ... shooting ... no matter the subject,I'd give it up. And though I shoot a lot, not much of it makes it past lightroom. Processing is just like a therapy to me :D Big mug of tea, a few hours just me time, processing my own images, for me! usually once the kids have gone to bed so I can unwind in peace]

It's such a great hobby, varied and deep as you like. We never stop learning, that's one thing I really love about photography. Even those who think they know it all, learn something new the next day.
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I shoot everyday because it is my job! I can't even think of putting down my camera for a second.
As often as I can, which isn't as often as I'd like. Between my health and the wifes health, the weather and all the other day to day interruptions it's definitely not as often as I'd like.
Once a week or so, But probably only once a month with any real intent due to time constraints and other responsibilities.
i take the camera pretty much with me everyday as i usually see at least one thing per day i think would make a good photo
I sometimes shoot every day for a while, then not so much for periods of time. Since I started teaching full time and backed off on my professional shooting I shoot less in general than I used to.

I tend to have projects now, and these tend to require a lot of planning that leads up to just one days shooting, followed by lots of editing.

I can't really answer... it varies wildly. I no longer carry a camera around with me all the time, as this invariably just resulted in pretty uninteresting "records" of things that I just ended up thinking "meh"... and deleting them.

I have started documenting parts of Blackpool lately as a lot of it is coming down to make way for "redevelopments" and will be of historical importance one day.

I shoot when I feel like it.. which is a relief for me because I spent 27 years shooting because I had to.
Sometimes 2/3 times one week, none on others. Just don't use the camera enough.
I usually have a day at the weekend with my camera and have my comlact with me most days, only take a few snaps with that though here and there.

Had a partnership with my brother 2 years ago so was shooting every weekend for 8 months for 9hrs a's much more fun not working with your hobby though so enjoy shooting more infrequently.

That also gives me processing time which is where the effort really goes into my work.
I think I've made more posts here than taken shots this year, which is criminal really. Moving house, renovation work and health has scuppered work and fun. I reckon about 10% make it online.
appox 1000 images aday four times a week as a pro.
Have a second camera with me 7 days a week so i'm ready for that special shot when it shows up.
Not as much as I'd like.... between work, my 5 year old boy and other interests my SLR can sit for months between uses:shake:
However since investing in a more portable camera (fuji X10) I seem to be taking more shots again...
I'm using mine every day of the week for work, sometimes on an evening if I'm doing personal/freelance work and most weekends when I'm out with the family
Mainly just shoot at weekends but did take a compact to work for a while to shoot during my lunchbreak. The only problem is that I work at an "out of town" office park so got plenty of pictures of cows and sheep but they get a bit boring after a while. I'd much rather be in a more central office as there would be more to shoot in my break then.
I'm quite surprised at the amount who blame the weather fro not 'getting out' and shooting.

There is no such thing as bad weather, especially in photography. While I've still a way to go to use my SLR to it's full potential I have seen some amazing shots in rain, cloud & storms...
Now I've started a camera evening class, 2-3 times a week. Just went out for the day yesterday with my class spent the day shooting! Most I've done in a long time. Actually felt good to get out and shoot!
Used to use the camera loads. Lately however, I only use my kit when shooting a wedding.

I miss photography as a hobby.


I'd say at least every other weekend, though the camera(s) almost always travel with us.

The wife loves that I moan about her suitcase weight but then load up the car with three camera bags and a tripod. I should probably quit moaning ;)
Almost every day. I have to walk the dog and can guarantee that if I don't take the camera a buzzard etc will land just in front of me and pose for 5 mins. Obviously if I take the camera they know and don't come, but I invariably find something interesting to shoot, even if just the dog. And in agreement with the previous poster, yes I take it out and shoot even in the rain, and have got some good shots - weather is rarely a problem.
I'm dreading not getting the urge in future
Ive had a busy week shooting and editing several things and busy with fulltime work too but even now, I'm sitting with a d700 full of autumnal colours from a day in the surrounding countryside for downtime on Sunday and a d90 full of fireworks which were just for fun and the love of shooting
Its just good for my soul