How to clean sensor on my Canon

The thread mentioned will help you.

There are different ways to do the same thing. You need to do a lot of reading then decide how you want to do it for yourself - or if you want to do it yourself.

I am one of those that does not think twice about cleaning the sensor if it needs it. I don't find it difficult or scary. There are others that are terrified to go near it in case they cause a problem.

My preference is the 'copperhill method' but others claim a giottos rocket blower is all thats needed.... then there is sensor swabs....and probably other ways. All have fans and haters. Have a read up on it and decide for yourself.
I use sensor swabs and Eclipse fluid. The swabs come in single sterile packs, Follow your cameras instructions for gatting access to the sensor then break out a swab and put some fluid on it (enough to dampen it but not drown it) wipe the swab once across the sensor then reverse it and wipe it once the other way using the clean side. That should be all that is needed.