How to go about getting into film photgraphy.

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I'm hoping that someone can help me out here, cause I've made a couple majorish cockups recently trying to get into film.
Basically I bought a F80 so that I could keep the lenses from my D70 and use them, however there were a couple of things I failed to take into account.

1) The lenses that I have for my D70 are digital only so are useless on the F80 due to vinigetting
2) The F80 doesn't have a split prism and the only lens that I have that will work with the F80 is manual focus, and I really don't like the way the manual focus works on the F80.

To be honest, the only expereince I have with film is with my Chinon CE-4, and I love the simplicity of it. I just though that I would be better of going for one system.

I would like some advice on how to proceed.
Should I stick with the F80 and give up on MF lenses?
To don't really like this idea as I like manual focus lenses ( and they are generally cheaper). I do have a lens incoming that will work with the F80 ( a AF nifty fifty) but I feel like I might be loosing something I would like.

Any advice for a complete noob?

EDIT: I spoke to someone who informed me that there aren't that many AF cameras that have a split prism out there. I'm going to flog the F80 and buy a MF Nikon.
To be fair, you don't have a big collection of good Nikon lenses.
All non DX lenses will work just fine on the F80 I would have thought, of which there are hundreds.
I dunno about the Sigma stuffs.
I'm struggling with the MF thing, its not entirely clear whether you like mf or not, whether you like mf but not how the f80 mf's, what would you be losing with an af 50 :thinking:

edit..ere, split prisms.....are you saying you don't like the mf without split prism focus, because you might be able to change the focussing screen for a split prism type..
If you go down the manual focus route i'd opt for perhaps an FM or FM2 if totally manual is what you want.

If you want a degree of automation but still have an option of complete manual then an FE, FE2, FA or F3 are all great cameras. I'd pop into a second hand shop and look at some close up that won't cost you anything and may help decide what you body you'd like.

If you do alot of flash work then I'd go for an FM2 or FE2 or FA as they sync at 250th (great for fill in as well)

You can pick up some nice primes these days that won't cost the earth.
Thanks for the advice guys. To clarify, I do like to mf but I really need a split prism to do that. Your right that I don't have a wide range of nikon lenses but my thinking was that in the future I would quite like to haave loads. The nifty fifty I got came with an EM which though not a perfect choice, should be enough to test the water
id keep the f80 and use the dx lenses on it ,,,only really bad at the wide end . and you still have the 50 ,,,,use that and foot zoom till you aquire more.
i would buy a fa or a f3 they are reasonable just know but i expect them to increase one day [i allways work on A so fm no good to me ]

i wanted to go back to basics so wanted mf and split prism
finding it a challenge though
some of the mf lens are going crazy prices now have a look at grays
some reasonable ones at ffordes,again i would be quick i expect them to go up as well
Stop trying to steal my medium format thread thunder! :D

But seriously, best way is to get out there and shoot.
Seems daunting, but just try loads of films!

If you don't want to process them yourself, you can take them to a shop and get them done - hefty costs though.

C-41 - can be processed in any lab - tescos, asda, jessops
E-6 - needs to be taken to a specialist
Black and White - same as E-6 or dev'd yourself.
If you don't want to process them yourself, you can take them to a shop and get them done - hefty costs though.

C-41 - can be processed in any lab - tescos, asda, jessops
E-6 - needs to be taken to a specialist
Black and White - same as E-6 or dev'd yourself.

They all do 35mm E6, its 120 format they don't.

ere, I thought 36 frames of 35mm was like.....£3.00 developed.
I dunno, I've been living in Expensiveland too long..

right, as far as I know -
For 35mm, any of the high street "labs" will do colour neg (C41) and transparencies/slide (E6), they won't do B/W in ordinary B/W chemicals that you use at home, they will develop certain B/W films in C41.
For 120........forget high street labs.
don't worry guys, I got me a developing tank and some B&W film. Failing that I can always get it developed.
My biggest problem is whther I go with Nikon or something else. I'm waiting for a 50mm Nikkor on ebay but it is now been 3 weeks with no sign so I think I've been humped.
I can't decide whether I should go for Nikon and build up a system that I can use with my digital, but then I would like to go MF with the camera so if I buy any MF lenses for the 35mm, I would need to get a split prism for the digital

Foodpoison, if your dare suggest Medium Format there will be trouble. Please PLEASE do not make me follow that path.

EDIT. I've edited this post cause I was drunk when I posted it. It now makes sense. I still win though, cause the wife was tiling all night whilst I sat in bed and drank some red wine :D
My suggestion would be, to (almost definetly) scrap the nikon plan. there are plenty of other great cheaper 35mm SLRs out there with cheaper lenses that are still good quality!

For example, Praktica (or is it Practika?:D) my old photography teacher was born and raised in the town they made them in, along with some rather good lenses (a place called Goerlitz or something) where people from Carl Zeiss went to work when Germany was divided! Anyway, my point being is that I have managed to pick up amazing bits of kit for my praktica (i got a camera, 3 lenses 2 flashes and other bits and bobs for a tenner once!) They show up on ebay quite often, and here too.

I know it sounds like a giant step backwards off a cliff if you like nikons/canons and are used to them, but for B+W (and some colour too, but i use digital mostly) I still use my old praktica (twas my first SLR when i was about 14-15) I love it!

anyway, find something like that i would say, decent glass, decent quality, pay pennies!
They all do 35mm E6, its 120 format they don't.

ere, I thought 36 frames of 35mm was like.....£3.00 developed.
I dunno, I've been living in Expensiveland too long..

right, as far as I know -
For 35mm, any of the high street "labs" will do colour neg (C41) and transparencies/slide (E6), they won't do B/W in ordinary B/W chemicals that you use at home, they will develop certain B/W films in C41.
For 120........forget high street labs.

Yeah most of them do, but places like tesco, boots, asda, jessops, don't do E6.
[open flood gates]
If you want to sample the feeling of film just get some memory cards that only hold 36 pictures, tape over the LCD on the back of your digital camera then take your shots. Afterwards get the memory cards and just place them somewhere safe till at least the next day. Then download all your pictures but you can only print them once without stashing them away again for another 24 hours. If you want to really feel it though stick a fiver through the shredder for each memory card.
[/open flood gates]

cowasaki - I get the impression you might have stumbled across the wrong forum for you :D

Anyway, you forgot a couple of things: you can't reuse the memory card, and after a while you'll lose it down the back of the wardrobe. Oh and the prints you got would be better than anything you'd ever turned out with your DSLR before... :naughty:
Sigh. I need to check the forum more regular like.

I'll have a pop into the charity shop where I saw some praktia kits on monday and see what they say for a price. With any luck they'll be none to bad. and relatively cheap. Problem is I just bought an FG-20 for £30 :(

meh. I'll give it a try and see what happens. If I like the feel then I'll proly go with it (if my nifty fifty ever turns up).

I've always got my trusty old chinon and it takes some pretty decent photos and has a Pentax mount. I did wonder actually why they have such a bad rep. All the pictures I've taken have been pretty bloody deceny. And the thing is built like a tank.

Are pentax mounted lenses chea****h or are they still rather pricey?
dont fret! just keep a look out, you never know what might turn up!