How to test a lens - good article

Thank you very much for the useful link.
That must be the most comprehensive & pragmatic guide to lens testing I've ever seen


Look I really can't be doing all this ... I've got enough to do remembering to take the lens cap off, check whether I need manual, shutter or aperture and then what focus setting ... oh and still have enough time left to take the picture :thinking:
Very good article.

Especially reference to the 'four quadrants' being equal in a good copy. You don't need a test chart to do that though, and a more distant target (road sign, car number plate) is less prone to focus errors and field flatness issues. If you have a decent LCD on the camera you can see it easily on that. If a lens is duff, it's obvious.
Informative and a good perspective on lenses -note to self to look out some of his other articles- here's one on filters which is fun.

Guess there'll be a lot of Sigma lenses being sent back over the weekend then:razz::D
A long but really good read (y)
Thanks for the link; was a good read with many good points that are put into a nice structured approach (y)