I am wasp, I eat...

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Carrying on with my affection for wasp macros, today on a different apple, and no doubt a different wasp, the determination to eat fruit is remarkable. The split in this apple is maybe 3mm at most... Yet the wasp has to get in there!








Excellent set, can you get a little bit closer Paul? :):)
Hard to pick a favourite when they're all that excellent, maybe the last one by a fraction.
Really did enjoy looking at those.
Those are quite remarkable Paul. Maybe the best wasp pictures I've ever seen.

Well done and hope you didn't get stung :D
These are all rather good Paul :)
Carrying on with my affection for wasp macros, today on a different apple, and no doubt a different wasp, the determination to eat fruit is remarkable. The split in this apple is maybe 3mm at most... Yet the wasp has to get in there!

Superb ! - gives some of us something to aim at.

How on earth you have got that kind of resolution and relatively deep DoF at that repro ratio I can't fathom.

A joy to look at.

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Superb ! - gives some of us something to aim at.

How on earth you have got that kind of resolution and relatively deep DoF at that repro ratio I can't fathom.

A joy to look at.


Thanks Richard.

All single shots at f/8, this is what the camera and lens achieve - the 70d isn't modern enough to focus stack in-camera so I let the focus in the right place do the work for me

Fabulous work Paul. Your images never fail to impress.