I have a couple of hours to kill near Mcr Airport this evening....where to go?


Kim Jong Bod
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My wife is at a school reunion this evening not far from Manchester Airport, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to get my camera out if I can.

Not sure where I can go though.

I would go to the Airport itself, but what with the recent climate, I'll most likely be a bent-double receptacle of a gloved hand before I can check my ISO settings.

Any ideas?
Also, if anyone in the area fancies tagging along :)
Marcel said:
My wife is at a school reunion this evening not far from Manchester Airport, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to get my camera out if I can.

Not sure where I can go though.

I would go to the Airport itself, but what with the recent climate, I'll most likely be a bent-double receptacle of a gloved hand before I can check my ISO settings.

Any ideas?
Also, if anyone in the area fancies tagging along :)
I'd tag along :p

Have you been to the spectators area? Of the airport.
lol Chorlton Street. ooer missus.
I remember my time as a bus driver, having to use the old bus station there. Was an eye opener I can tell you. As they say..."It takes all sorts"

I forgot to check this thread after I posted. I didn't end up getting my camera out of the bag anyway. I took my wife and her sister to the reunion nr Hale. Got my flask, A-Z, and camera stuff out of the boot, and had a little drive round, looking for inspiration.

Would have had a dabble with the viewing area, had it not been A: Pitch Black and B: closed...(Well I assume it was anyway).
I didn't even want to attempt parking up and going through the airport, as I have done in the past. No doubt I wouldn't have got far with my camera out before being approached by security, so didn't want the hassle and pollava.

Anyway, had a little drive round with me and my thoughts. Parked up on a country lane with a nice view of some fields with some mist coming in. Pitch black, with me, my coffee and my thoughts. Nice and eerily silent.

Drove off again for a bit, and picked my wife and her sister up. Was only out for about 90 minutes, and like I say, the camera didn't even come out of my bag.
It was more of an opportunist thing really, I took my camera along just incase.
That's the problem with me I tend to lack inspiration, and if I don't have anything inparticular in mind to shoot, I get stumped.

Good job I missed the thread Jonny, you'd have been bored stiff....lol