I love wasp season...

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There is something about wasps and apples that I find fascinating and when it's time for the wasps to come eat the windfalls, the photos usually lend themselves to give me a real buzz - as long as there is no sting in the tale... ;)

Also got an interloper photobombing the first!




Then it's time for a quick face wash of all that sticky apple juice before saying goodbye!



Great set as always Paul :)
These are fantastic Paul. Can I ask about your technique to capture these images?

The apple was on the ground in the garden.

Kneeling mat (my knees are goosed), camera set on full manual. Lens (full manual) set to f/8, ISO 160, 1/160sec. Twin Flash set to EV1/128+3.

Once I got myself in position, I just slowly moved the lens toward the wasp - but it was so busy chomping and getting high on juices it ignored me completely. Once I had dialled in the focus ring I fired 3 burst shots as I moved the camera fractionally. As a rule one of these three will have better sharpness/focus.

Then it's into Lightroom and Photoshop to bring out the desired result.

Simple really Adam. Except it's never really that simple really, lol... :)

The apple was on the ground in the garden.

Kneeling mat (my knees are goosed), camera set on full manual. Lens (full manual) set to f/8, ISO 160, 1/160sec. Twin Flash set to EV1/128+3.

Once I got myself in position, I just slowly moved the lens toward the wasp - but it was so busy chomping and getting high on juices it ignored me completely. Once I had dialled in the focus ring I fired 3 burst shots as I moved the camera fractionally. As a rule one of these three will have better sharpness/focus.

Then it's into Lightroom and Photoshop to bring out the desired result.

Simple really Adam. Except it's never really that simple really, lol... :)


Thanks for taking the time Paul. I'm guessing at f/8 there is some form of post production stack? Or is that sufficient with the focal length of your lens and your shooting distance?

Sorry for the multiple questions - it's a genre I'd desperately like to get better at and your images are always incredible.
Thanks for taking the time Paul. I'm guessing at f/8 there is some form of post production stack? Or is that sufficient with the focal length of your lens and your shooting distance?

Sorry for the multiple questions - it's a genre I'd desperately like to get better at and your images are always incredible.

Single shots only - I rarely do stacking - especially on live subjects. The camera is a 70D so doesn't have the stacking facility that many modern cameras have built in.

If you shoot slightly further back the depth of field will increase, then cropping focuses the viewer.

Thanks for the complement btw, much appreciated.

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There is something about wasps and apples that I find fascinating and when it's time for the wasps to come eat the windfalls, the photos usually lend themselves to give me a real buzz - as long as there is no sting in the tale... ;)

Also got an interloper photobombing the first!




Then it's time for a quick face wash of all that sticky apple juice before saying goodbye!



absolutely love these