I Need Help With My Photography!!!


Edit My Images

i was trying to do some food photography today and everytime i took an image and looked at it the background was purple or pink. I was using to desk lamps and the standard in camera 400d flash.

how can i get rid of it or what am i doing wrong

many thanks for all your help

Looked at it where? on the camera or on the computer?

On the camera you may be looking at the over exposure warning telling you areas of the picture were too bright.
It's possibly because the colour from the flash and the desk lamps are going to be very different. Meaning that there is no way you'll be able to balance the colours in the shots.

Ideally, you should work with one type of light source or multiple ones that are close to the same colour. :)

I looked at it on the camera and there was a slight purple colouring but after transfering it to the computer most of the background was completely purple/pink. is it because of the white balance.



Picture here

I mean here
pure white piece of paper, it is stange why it is doing it i am confused
It's because you are using both flash and desk lamps and that both have different colour temperatures.

Your camera can only set the white balance according to one of the sources (in your case here it has set it based on the flash). So unless you use all flash or all desk lamps you will need to put a coloured filter (or gel as it is called) on top of one of the light sources to change the colour so that they both match.

I beleive the easiest option would be to filter the flash. You should select the colour of the gel based on what the bulb type (incandessent, halogen, floresent) is in your desk light. Then set your white balance manually on the camera to the desk lights.

You can normally buy a set of colour correction filters for your flash from most photo dealers but they are very expensive for what they are. A cheaper alternaitve is to get a swatch book of stage lighting filters that will have a filter in it that will do the job - I've found some on ebay for £3.00 delivered, you simply remove the swatch from the book and put it over your flash.