I seem to have found a Spiders nest ..


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
Edit My Images
....On a couple of my Bonsai trees.
No idea what they are but there are a few hundred of them approx 1-2 mm in size

BTW does anyone else get a chuckle when saving spiders images
for web and devices or is it just me?

Just one small section


And a "billy no mates"

Wow Chris some magnification on that second shot, did you have your big glasses on? ;)
Wow Chris some magnification on that second shot, did you have your big glasses on? ;)
Thanks Alby, Its a bit of a crop. Shot with Canon M50 + Canon 100mm IS L Macro lens + Raynox 250.
(I'm liking this new lens (y) )
I think those little yellow guys are baby garden spiders (Araneus diadematus)
I think those little yellow guys are baby garden spiders (Araneus diadematus)
I do see quite a few adult garden spiders, on and off so its quite possible.
Edit and google seems to confirm it.

The Jumping spiders live at the other end of the garden.
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Nice work chris
If the jumping spiders find those will enjoy a meal
I reckon it is just you who chuckles uploading spider photos.
Nice work chris
If the jumping spiders find those will enjoy a meal
Cheers Alf I'd not thought of that TBH, although I think they are reasonably safe, they are on trees that are about 1m off the ground, on one of my Bonsai benches.

I reckon it is just you who chuckles uploading spider photos.
OK fair enough :D
If a jumping spider sees those, it'll also see the 600 mates they're hanging out with.
Can spiders calculate odds?