
James Stockton
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Well my first bunch of chemicals turned up today, still waiting for dev tank and black out bag.

I read all the hazardous warnings on this side of this ID-11 box and would have expected to see similar warnings on a side of a box of antharax! It would have been easier for them to write "Instant Death may occur" Or "Death will Occur".

Is this stuff really as dangerous as it says on the box, i'll be too scared to open the box!
As long as you follow COSHH guidlines you'll be fine :)

Remember ventilation too !!!!
I'm on my second batch and so long as you don't go immersing bits of yourself in it for any time it's fine. :)

It did make a nice mess of a pot that I used to warm it up though! That was after I blew up the water heater in it.......................

No it's fine, honestly. :)
The most important part is not to breath in the powder, I'd recomend a fine dust mask and a well ventelated place.
For what it's worth Anthrax says "you think this is scary, wait till you open ID11" Wayne
Just be careful in handling, mixing and avoiding any spills. As has been said try to get some ventilation into your darkroom.

Apart from that, just be scrupulously clean in washing up measures, tanks and dishes when you've finished. Unused chemical residue left in dishes can dry out and go crystalline and then airborne, contaminating the whole darkroom. From a photography viewpoint, what's likely to happen eventually is that mysterious brown spots start appearing on your prints, long, long after you printed them. The only answer then is to completely wash down the whole room, including walls and ceiling. Obviously if it's a kitchen or bathroom you're pressing into service then you need to be mindful of clean working practices for obvious health reasons.

Sorry if it sounds a bit scary, it's really just common sense and exercising a bit of care. ;)
I used this throughout the 70s and had no problem. Used to mix it up and store it in concertina bottles (reduces the air and slows down oxidation (Is that a word?))

Never used a bag but I used to put the film,spiral, tank and a bottle opener under a duvet make sure it was light tight and loaded the film from the cassette to the spiral and pop it into the tank. Funnily enough I found that is was easier if I closed my eyes!!!

Them's were the days!!

Just a quick qusetion. The ID-11 is in a powder form, how much should be diluted into some water for developing? The box says there is 1 litres worth in there but obviously I dont want to use it all at once! I think i'd go for 1+3, but how much ID-11 will I need to use?

Its probably a dumb question as there must be some instructions in the box, but as I say, i'm too scared to open it at the moment!
The 1 litre on the box is how much you get when mixed with water to get the stock solution. You mix 3/4 of volume stated on box with water, i.e. 750ml at 40 degrees Celsius, then after all the powder has been added, you add some more water to get it to 1 litre. This is your stock solution which is 1+0 which you can now store in container for later use.

So if at a later date you want to develop some 35mm film with 1+3, that means 1 part stock and 3 parts water. So to get 300ml of 1+3 you would measure out 75ml stock and mix it with 225ml water.
Just a quick qusetion. The ID-11 is in a powder form, how much should be diluted into some water for developing? The box says there is 1 litres worth in there but obviously I dont want to use it all at once! I think i'd go for 1+3, but how much ID-11 will I need to use?

you have to mix it all to start with ,that gives you the stock solution then you can dilute that as you want ..use as stock,,,, one to two ,,,or one to three etc ( i usd to drink it all the time when i had no meths )
Its perfecly ok as long as you use common sense. I assume the stuff is manufacturered/distributed in the US? - I expect they even get warnings on bottled water that if you pour enough in a bowl you could drown yourself... :)
Despite rumours to the contrary ID-11 cannot be used as a tasty condiment.

Other than that the powder and stock solution only require reasonable care and the working strength doesn't require much care at all.