is this a bad idea

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I may have been on ebay and may have wandered over this

old skool lovelyness

how bad an idea is it?

I'd quite like a bronica (or hassy if someone loves me) but can't afford one atm and this looks like a nice toy
I've owned a lubitel before, if the guy is being honest about the sharpness of the lens then it's probably worth the current £26 bid but my experience was the opposite, very soft prone to light leaks, viewfinder very dark. Someone should tell him 1986 is not vintage too :)
They were known for light leaks and from memory the lens was a poor 3 element. If you are looking for an economical TLR, the Mamiya range are good and have excellent lenses. The older C3's are the cheapest.
ok then it is a bad idea, I'll stop being silly and just wait for my next wage packet and get a MF slr
Its a thread with pictures from Kevs Lubitel, its the same camera doing the travelling 6x6 threads, and the same camera you're contemplating...I think..:)

*cuts to chase*

Its plastic, its made of nothing but strong enough to have lasted longer than other more durable machines.
It has a plastic lens/fiddly controls/dodgy focussing mechanism.
It has no focussing screen, its some kind of magnifying glass, its quite bright.
All that aside, it works pretty well, if you're looking for a try out of 6x6, something to have a mess with till you buy a meat head, there's nothing much cheaper that focusses with a ttl viewfinder, most lomo type cameras are fixed focus meniscus lens with a best guess viewfinder.
Personally, I'd try not to spend £30 on one, maybe 10-15 squids..:)
sorted so if one comes up cheap grab it ;)

got funds building up and a lens for sale to be either a Bronica or maybe a Hassy if I can afford it at the time
There is (or was recently) a Russian Hassy clone in an antique centre round here, I think it's fifty quid or so...
I like that idea flash ;) when I get some money in I'll start trawling local shops for bargains - but until then it's just gonna be depressing as I might find something awesome and miss it because I'm skint
Kiev 88 is a Hassleblad clone and will even take hassleblad lenses, I owned a Kiev 88 kit years back, loved it.