Its always there when your not looking for it..

Edit My Images
I've had 2 vitalite tubs full of screws, nails, allen keys, fuses, resistors, and general bits and bobs in the garage for about 3 years. They've usually always been together and always been there, on the table in the garage, doing nothing.

Now, as in today, I want one of those tubs as I know it's got 8 speaker spikes in it.

Can I find it ?

Can I **** !!

The one without the spikes in is on the table in the garage.

The other is well and truly missing !!!!

Have you looked in the cupboard under the sink?
try the cupboard under the stairs, have you noticed people always ask where was the last place you seen it? LIKE I HAVENT ALREADY LOOKED THERE!!

oh yeah, and it is always in the last place you look
should not of moved it then you would no were it is :p
ask the SO where she put it after you moved it fromthe garage!
In a thorough, logical way look everywhere, then you'll find it and feel immensely satisfied, either that or you'll realise they were no good for the job after all. If only you hadn't lost your marbles.
Ask my wife, she know where everything is !

Don't ask mine, you'll get the response "I haven't touched it!"
Which we all know means "I got bored and threw it away...about 15 seconds after you last used it"