It's here! ... now what do I do with it?

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Thanks Mal!

Load black and white film and have fun :)

They really are great :)
Dunno, that's a strange looking one..... There's a flap thing where there's supposed to be a card slot :thinking:

Must be a manufacturing fault, best send it back and buy something with 'D' in the title ;) :D
Load black and white film and have fun :)

They really are great :)

So far I've managed to load the only film the pharmacy round the corner had - Fuji Superia 400 :thinking: Could be interesting but at least they'll develop it!

I still haven't got a clue about filters, I know what a UV one does, but apart from that they're a mystery. Does anyone have a link to a good explanation? most of the ones I've found are really technical or just adverts :shrug:
Dunno, that's a strange looking one..... There's a flap thing where there's supposed to be a card slot :thinking:

Must be a manufacturing fault, best send it back and buy something with 'D' in the title ;) :D

:LOL: After the first shot I tried to bring the image back up on the LCD display!
:LOL: After the first shot I tried to bring the image back up on the LCD display!

Why ? just saw the thing in the viewfinder, what do you want to look at it again for ??

Just point it back at the thing you just shot, and look at it for as long as you like..:LOL: